Chapter 6

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Katsuki was just sitting in class, it was already break. He remembered that Izuku was in his school uniform, and i tried to remember how it looked like so I tried to draw them.... because maybe it'll help him find Izuku faster. "What are you drawing?" Tsu asked. She was standing behind him. "What? Uh..." Bakugou thought about how to answer her. He needed to get used to having friends. "Hey, I recognize those school uniforms!" Iida said and walked over to us. "My cousin goes to school with these uniforms! It's not that far from us" the blue haired teen said. "You know where is it??" Katsuki asked loudly. "Uh yeah.... why?" He asked. "Oh uh... I'm just looking for someone" katsuki said and smiled. "Who is it?" Tsu asked. "Uh.. it's just an old friend" katsuki answered. "Well, maybe we could go there all of us together! It'll be like a group trip! To another school!" Iida said. "Go where?" Todoroki and Shinsou asked at the same time when they walked over to katsuki. "To find bakugou's old friend" Tsu said.

Izuku picked up his bag, and he was about to go out from the class. Until he saw some people walking in, and he didn't recognize them. Until he saw that one of them was.... the blonde boy he wanted to see again. "That's him?" Iida asked Bakugou, and Bakugou nodded. "Hey! I'm Iida! We're Bakugou's friends" Iida said and walked over to Izuku, until he noticed izuku's hearing aids. "Is he deaf??" Iida asked and turned back to the group. Shinsou and todoroki giggled, and Bakugou sighed and answered with a "yes." "I am so sorry! My apology!!" Iida said again to Izuku, and Izuku looked really confused. At that moment todoroki and Shinsou started laughing like crazy, and Tsu laughed too. It took a minute for Iida to understand how stupid he was at that moment, and he blushed and just went to the corner of the class. "I can't believe I did this right now." He said and looked down, and Shinsou, Tsu, and todoroki almost peed in their pants from laughing.

The group + Izuku were now sitting in a small cafe next to izuku's school. Izuku was currently teaching them how to say their names is sign language. And Shinsou begged for Izuku to teach him how to swear, but Izuku kept saying no and Shinsou gave up. It started to be late, and they didn't notice how much time they were talking and laughing. "Oh, midoriya kun, what's your phone number?" Iida asked and took out his phone. Izuku smiled and took out his phone too. Iida talked a bit slow so Izuku would be able to read his lips. Izuku gave all of them his phone number, and todoroki added him to their group chat. They all waved midoriya a goodbye and walked away. "He was really nice" Tsu said and smiled. "Yeah, how do you know him?" Iida asked while moving his hands. "We were in the same class in middle school" katsuki said, and his smile faded away when he remembered how mean he was to izuku. "But.... I wasn't the nicest person.... and I now want to atone for it." Katsuki said and they all looked at him. "Well I can't even imagine that YOU can be a bad person, but I'm glad you're not! And I bet that Izuku will forgive you! Because it looks like he is" Tsu said. "Yeah, if Izuku would've still hated you, he wouldn't have probably came with us." Todoroki said. Katsuki smiled and said "thanks guys..." and they all smiled too.

"I'm home" katsuki said as he entered the house. "You're late! Where have you been?" His mom asked him as she walked over to him. "I was hanging out with some friends" katsuki said and smiled. 'It's been a while since I saw him smile...' his mom thought to herself and smiled too. "Well that's good! You should invite them over sometime" she said and walked to the kitchen to make dinner. "Yeah, I will" katsuki said and walked behind her.

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