Chapter 16

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"Did you tell him?" "James, go away." "Did you tell him?!" "I said go away!" "Izzy, let me talk to you!" "I'm not talking to you. You set me up." "I didn't have anything to do with it! I swear." "Dad, I'm leaving. Don't want to be late for school." I kissed his cheek. "Izzy, I'm driving you." "No you're not." I denied. "Guys, what's happened?" Sam asked.

"Do you wanna tell her?" James raised his eyebrows. "I told James something that was really troubling me and he set Jason up to finding it out. Jason is now telling me he's going to tell Cody." "Will this thing effect Cody in any way?" "Massively." "What is it?" Dad asked. "I'm not saying." "We can't help you if you don't tell us everything." He said.

"I don't need help. I just don't want to be around a snake." I glared at James before kissing Sam's cheek and then leaving. "Izzy!" James had followed me. "Just go away!" "I'm not going to leave you alone until you speak to me." "What a fun life you must lead." I laughed. "Just get in the car, Izzy." "No." "Isobella!" "Don't call me that!" "Stop shouting!" Alli's voice caught our attention.

"What's happening out here so early this morning?" She asked. "Ask your best friend." "Oh great, thanks. Now I have to tell her. Yeah, way to go, James." I clapped sarcastically. "What's wrong?" Alli asked me while coming closer. "He can go fuck himself." I mumbled and started walking.

"Iz?" She ran to catch up. "I would tell you but after I tell you you'll hate me and I'm not really in the best of moods to be hated by my best friend." "I could never hate you." "Yeah well you don't know what I know." "Whatever it is, I'm sure we'll just be able to talk it out and make it better." "Not this time." "Are you okay?" "Yes." I nodded.

"So who's it to do with?" "Who do you think?" "Cody?" "Yes." "Well what's it to do with James?" "I told him but when I told him he set Jason up to come and fucking record me!" I grew madder as I said what happened. "So now Jason as a recording of you saying something damaging towards Cody?" "Something like that." "What did you say? You never bad mouth Cody unless he's done something wrong."

"I didn't say something bad about him. I admitted to something that will ruin him as a person because of how fragile his feelings are. I am seriously questioning everything. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I have a week to tell Cody or else Jason said he's going to send him that recording." "What a dick." "Exactly. Help me?" "Well I don't actually know what you said so I don't know how to."

"I want to tell you, you're my best friend and it's something we should talk about but he's your big brother and you'll hate me." "I've told you this before; our friendship has nothing to do with your boyfriend being my brother. We block that out, remember?" "You will hate me, Alli." "Izzy, would you just man up and tell me?"

"I cheated on him." I mumbled while staring at the ground. Alli turned to look at me and I could feel her eyes burning into my face. "Okay.." She spoke unsure of what to say. "I don't hate you. I'm shocked and a little pissed but I don't hate you." "I'm sorry, okay? I don't know what came over me. We'd just gotten back together after that big argument and-" "Was it Alfie?" She cut me off.

"Mhm." I looked at the gound again. "Whatcha do?" She then asked. "I thought you were pissed?" "I am but I wanna hear it, he's hot." She shrugged. "Kissed him." "Is that it? Don't work your-" "No, that's not it." "Oh." She shut up and waited for me to tell her what happened. After I'd explained everything we'd actually made it into the school and were now stood at Alli's locker.

"Is it big?" She smirked which caused me to laugh. "You're not supposed to say that, he's your boyfriend's cousin." "But he's hot and I don't want to think about the fact you did that when you had Cody at home. I want to gossip over guys." "Yes it was big." I rolled my eyes. "But then he is 20." I then pointed out. "Bigger than Cody?" As I opened my mouth to answer she shook her head.

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