Chapter 7

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Today is Saturday, we've literally done nothing but bicker and watch TV and eat all day. "Will you be going to school on Monday?" "Nope. I'm not going back." "Isobella, that's really not going to benefit you at all." "I'm not going back." I refused. "I'll take you to school in the morning then." "You know we still have whole of tomorrow until we have to worry about school?" "Isobella?" Cody looked over at me so I looked back at him.

"If I go home, will you come with me?" "What do you mean?" "We'll go back tomorrow. Tell them that I found you and I'm bringing you home." "They won't believe us. It's obvious that they'll think I've known the whole time and went running to you." "We'll know the truth and that's all that matters. We'll know we're not lying and who gives a fuck what they think?"

"I don't want them to think I'm a liar." "You have been with me for the weekend so.." "Dad said something to me last night." I looked back outside at the shining lights against the navy night sky. "What did he say?" "I started it. Kind of. I'm not really sure. I just feel really really bad about it and I can't get it off my mind." "What happened, Isobella?" He poured more wine into my glass.

I smiled into my glass and drunk some before looking back outside to avoid his intense but extremly soft and caring eyes. If that's possible. "We were fighting, we fight a lot at the moment, and I said that Mom would let me if she was here. He-" "Let you do what?" "Do the thing I wanted to do. Anyways, I said that and he was like 'I bet you wish I was dead instead of her'." As I repeated his words a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Hey, baby," His voice softened as he put his glass down and reached out for my hand. "He's my hero. I'd never wish for him to be dead." I wiped the tears away. Cody pulled me over so I was sat between his legs with my back resting against his chest. "You were angry, I bet he knows that. He knows how sorry you are." "You think?" "I know. Please don't trouble yourself over that."

"I just miss her so much." I started to sob. "Baby," He whispered while holding me tightly to him. "For so long she was my home, sitting by her grave made me feel like I was safe. Like I was home but.." I trailed off. "But what? You know you can tell me." "But I think I've found something else. Someone else. No matter what, I would always end up by her. No matter how lost I was, Mom was where I would end up."

When he didn't say anything, I added something on, "I find it weird. Scary in some ways. I didn't want to change where I felt most at home. I really didn't want that to change. But somehow this time, I ended up in your arms." I looked up at him. "Something happened, Isobella Grace. I don't know what happened but it caused us to bond in some kind of way. You're my home too, baby."

"Just while we're here," I looked up at him. "You're not supposed to be calling me baby or Isobella Grace." "I thought I could get away with it." He laughed gently. "You bad boy." I smiled. "So is this chick going to be coming back for her underwear?" "You told me to go get laid, why do you keep bringing it up?" "Because it's weird."

"Why is it so weird?" "You're not supposed to be doing that with other girls." "With other girls? So who am I supposed to be doing it with then?" He squeezed me. "I didn't mean that." I giggled. "I think Isobella's jealous." "I'm not! You're a big boy, you can sleep with whoever you want. You're not mine anymore." "You're jealous." "Am not!" "Okay." He sarcastically accepted which made me laugh.

"It's fine because I don't like the fact that Jason's been there with you." "Me neither." I mumbled. "What?" "Huh?" "What did you just say?" "Nothing." "Yes you did." "I want my glass." I crawled back over to where I was sat before. "Are you coming back to cuddle?" "Nope." I grinned. "Lucky escape." Cody laughed at me. I giggled and got comfortable again.

"You wish you'd never slept with Jason?" "Oh shoot, is that the time already? I'm off to bed." "No you're not." "Cody.." I groaned. "Okay, I won't make you say it because I know you did mean that. Why?" "I did it to get back at you. He was a rebound at first, like, I wanted you to be upset. I wanted to make you feel how I was feeling."

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