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Sophie groaned. " Why can't I wake up later like a normal person?" she whined. " Hmmm. Let's think. Well maybe because normal people aren't famous and they don't go to concerts!" Biana said as she made Sophie go shower. " What am I gonna do with her??" Biana groaned. Meanwhile Sophie was in the hot steamy shower having a nice bath... wide awake.... NOT!

Sophie was actually in the hot steamy shower having a nice bath sleeping... yep sleeping. Sophie slipped and her head dunked under water. " What the-" Sophie jerked up. " Great water, just great... I'm now WIDE awake." Sophie uttered as she finished her shower. Just as she got out, a knock came from the door. " If that's you Biana, I am going to kill you.." She said to the door. " Uh actually.... It's me.. Fitz." A soft voice came from the door. Silence followed after that.. " I was wondering if you want to go to breakfast together..." Fitz asked. " Uh Fitz I think there's problems with your brain.... everyone's gonna go to breakfast.." Sophie said through the door.. " Oh.. okay then.." Fitz said. Sophie could hear him walking away.. About a few minutes later Sophie was ready for the day. Today she had everything she was going to do.

Sophie Foster's list 

8-8:30= breakfast with the group

8:30-9:30= dance and concert practice

9:30-10= stage set up

10-11= break

11-12= lunch

12-1:30= voice check

1:30-2= yoga with Keefe 

2-3= lyric writing

3-3:30= practice for concert

3:30-4= break

Since tomorrow was Sophie's concert, everything was especially busy. She had a quick dance and Choreography with Verena. " Are you ready Ms. Foster?" Sophie's bodyguard Samador ( Sam) asked. " Yep!" She chirped as she flounced out the door. 


" This is Tam Song, he and his sister are applying to be your bodyguard and Biana's assistant." Samador said showing her a picture. they were on the 3rd floor now. "That's cool, when did they start working?" Sophie asked. " 2 days ago." he said holding the buffet door for her. everyone was almost there. " Sophie!! Over here!!!" Biana waved. Sophie headed on over to the table but soon crashed into a little girl. Everyone was shocked in horror. " Oh my Goodness! Bexley Dizznee!! Say sorry to this youn-" " Sophie?" The woman asked. " Aunt Juline?" Sophie asked. " Oh my goodness!! Oh I'm so sorry Sophie!!" Juline exclaimed before hurrying away to catch Bexley. " Who's Bexley??" Biana asked. " My cousin of Dex's sister" Sophie murmured as she finished her breakfast.

Before anyone could say anymore words, Biana rushed Sophie to the hotel room so she could get ready. " And WHY do I have to do this?" Sophie asked. " Hey,  you never know if there will be paparazzi." Biana shrugs. 

Sophie's outfit 

" Finished!" Biana squealed

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" Finished!" Biana squealed. " Thanks again." Sophie said before she rushed off. " Not a problem! It's my hobby!" Biana yelled back. Sophie smiled as she got into the car. " the Syllable Concert please." Sophie said as she buckled herself. When they arrived they were a bit late but nobody really cared. Except Fitz. " Where the heck were you?" He asked furiously. " Good thing the stage manager wasn't here, he hates when newcomers are late." He rambled on. " Fitz, I was 3 minutes late, nobody cares. I already told you that you might have problems in your head. Maybe you should see a therapist for your anger issues." Sophie murmured as she plopped down on a red chair. She could practically hear steam coming out of Fitz's ears and his eyes making a hole through her head. Somebody clapped their hands. " Welcome, welcome everyone. We have a new guest here who will be here throughout her life. Everyone clap for Miss Sophie Foster!" A man with black slicked hair said. Sophie stood up and bowed. " Uh hello. I'm Sophie Foster and I'm 13 years old. I have a younger sister named Amy who is 9 and 2 dogs named D.J and Marley. Thank you." Sophie bowed once again before taking a seat. " Wonderful! Let's introduce ourselves to Sophie!" The man said. " I am Xavier and I am the stage manager at the  Syllable Concert." Xavier said before sitting back down. A boy stood up. " Hi I'm Jens and I work the sound check." Jens spoke before tapping a curly haired girl. " Hi I'm Stana. I'm a singer. I'm Jens's sister and DON'T MESS WITH ME." She said eyeing Sophie. The time flew by and before Sophie knew it she was back in bed smiling. " How was your day?" Biana asked curiously. " it was nice actually. Except do you watch this girl named Stana who gave me a cold shoulder but it's not a problem." Sophie practically singed. " Ok. Ok. Sweet dreams." Biana called as she closed the door. " yea.sweet dreams..." Sophie sighed before closing her eyes.

Another chapter done! WOOP WOOP ! Hope you enjoyed!

Question of the chapter: What 3 things would you bring to an island?

My answer: I would bring one of the boat houses ( which has everything you need, like a kitchen, bathroom, food etc), my swimsuit, and my sister. Oh wait- does people count? If it doesn't then I'll bring sunscreen. No copying!



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