Twenty-Eight - 5 Years Later

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Hope now 29 entered her new office with her own unit. She had quit NCIS after almost being close of dying when she got strapped with a bomb vest by a lunatic that was out to get revenge for Connor who got killed in prison after the inmates found out he was a rapist, pedofile and trafficker. In Hope's opinion he had it coming and didin't give a fuck.

She stayed with Gibbs another 3 years before she decided it was time to join her father's Agency. In Josie's eyes it was a good call since she be having a normal office hours and didin't need to be out in the field as much.

Her father offered her to start her own office in DC in which case she would be the boss over everyone. She hand picked her own staff that was was contained with Jed, Clarke and Ziva since she was not working for the NCIS. Ziva gladly accepted her offer.

Alexa was working with her as her assistent since she felt like she was being cooped up inside all the time. Alexa did get the townhouse set up with cameras all over the property, she could see if someone was there or not by the live video feed that was connected to her computer.

Hope hired Emily Fields, Spencer Hastings and Aria Montgomery as her new tech team. The cases that they got often came from military contracts or privet ones. It was never heavy ones it which made her staff happy since they could be home before dinner and have a normal 9 to 5 kind of jobs.

Josie and Lizzie now 27 had expanded their clinic and restaurants in New Orleans, DC and LA and ofcourse the original restaurants in their home town and in Paris where Alyssa Chang is now in charge since Penelope moved back to the states to be with her now fiancé Lizzie.

Alex was now 12 years old and was in 7th grade and Dani was 9 years old and in 4th grade. They where smart both of them manage to get into advance classes.

"Mama, can I please sleep over at Stefanies place" Alex asked her mother who was sitting in her office looking over her company.

"Not tonight but weekend would be okey if her mom are okey with it and only if your papa is okey with it too" she says with a smile.

"Okey, thank you mama" Alex says running back to her room. She picks up her phone and calls Stefanies house.

"Hi Miss. Jackson is Stefanie home" she asked and she waited for a minute until she heard the other girls vocie.

"Hey so what did your mama say?"

"Yeah, she told me it was fine but I need to ask my papa and our parents needs to speak but it be okey" she said happily.

The two kids talked for a bit until she heaed announced that she was home.

"Papa" Dani ran over to her mother who happily picked her up in her arms.

"Hello my little princess, did you have a good day" she asked her youngest.

"Yeah papa. Miss Dasiy said I should be in the science fair competition, would you come and see me?" She asked with her little voice.

"Ofcourse I would and so would you mother" she said happily.

"Hi baby you are home erlier today" she said and Hope smiled.

"Yes well it's Emily's birthday so the team was planning to go to the bar tonight and they been working really hard lately ever since the Thompson case" she said with a smile.

"So invite them here and we have a birthday dinner for Emily" Josie said and Hope nodded her head.

"Papa, your home" Alex went to her mom. Before Hope could say anything Alex continued to give her questions after questions.

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