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Yin's pov(p'vee)

After three days, we continued our journey. We moved towards the North. Paths were all covered by the small bushes and only mountain peaks were visible rest were all covered with snow.
"Are you ok, Mark? we can rest for a while if you can't walk further" I asked Mark because he seemed tired and weak.

"I am alright, let's get going there before night takes over the night" He replied me pointing towards the mountains which was mile ahead from us. We continued our walked for almost 2 hours without any conversation. I also didn't bring any topic to talk to him because I don't want him to get annoyed while walking tirelessly. But after staying quiet for hours, I finally opened my mouth. "Mark, wait! I need to go to do my business. Don't worry, we will get there on time. Just rest here til I come back". He nod in response then I went off.

When I came back, Mark already had his eyes tightly shut and was sleeping soundless leaning his head on his knees and holding my sword on his right hand. From far, I can say he was damn tired. If I don't wake him up, I am sure he wont get up until next day. If this happened in our house, I would probably keep on staring him the whole day. Why not? After all the handsome prince was sleeping in front of me. Its not time to think about such things now, I talked to myself and went near to him and wake him up. "Mark? Mark? Wake up, let's go".
"Oh sorry, you are back! Let's go"

It was totally dark when we reached the mountain base, but we saw light few meters ahead from us. "Look Mark, there's light. Let's go there and spend our night there". The light we saw earlier was not from the house but rather from the mountain's cave.
"P'Vee don't worry, we can sleep here. At least we have something to rest. We got enough to eat. I don't think you would mind sleeping here in this cave, right? But I like it here, anyway".
"I don't mind sleeping as long as I am with you but I was just wondering who had stayed here, the fire didn't even died".
"Might be some hunters. Don't think too much, just go and get some fire wood. The fire is about to die now".

"Mark? Mark? Where are you? Mark? don't need to go, I got enough firewood. Come back, Mark?", I shouted when Mark was nowhere. I shouted again from top of my voice, I didn't get any replied. I started to get panic. Where are you, Mark? It's killing me when I think about Mark being disappeared from my sight. I threw wood on the ground and started to shout loud than before. I searched him everywhere but I couldn't find him. When I was small, I heard a story from the elders that some cave has a door, so I thought for a while and  went back to cave again to checked whether the cave has door or not. I didn't find any, it makes me worried and angry at the same time. I started to kicked the cave without thinking of myself getting hurt. This pain is nothing compared to the pain of not getting my mark back to me.

For last time, with the anger, I kicked the cave very hardly, suddenly the wall opened. Inside, the light was shining brightly which seems like whole house was burning. When I moved inside, the light started to decrease the brightness.
"Mark!!! " I called when I saw Mark. He was tightly tide by the rode around him. He was on the ground lying with eye closed. I heard unusual sound but I didn't bother it. I moved towards Mark but I was thrown away. Ignoring the pain, I got up from the ground and moved again. Once more, I was thrown back, but I didn't give up. I got up and shouted, "Who the hell are you?? Show yourself if you have that much gut. I know you are coward, that's why you are kidnapping innocent people".

The unusual sound from earlier made even more louder than before and I was just waiting for that things to appeared but it didn't. "Tell me what do you want? I don't think we have done anything to you. Just tell me what do you want? Don't harm that boy, maybe you have some unfinished business with me, so why not settle here today then". I split out today because I had more enemies than friends I had. Even my own dad hates me because I never agreed with his decision. But at least  I have my mother, brother, sisters who loves me, but now I got Mark by my side which is more than enough.

"It's good that you still remember it. The insult that you throw that time can't be forgotten easily, you know what it's always been lingering in my mind. I think it can be gone when you are no longer in this world. You know what I mean".
" Don't talk nonsense, just come to the point. Don't hide, come and show me your face. I don't have mood to play with you, today",  I shouted while I went toward to Mark.
This time, I wasn't thrown away but it's was Mark they dragged him away from me.

Mark didn't open his eyes even though he was dragged hard and rough. Seeing this I couldn't hold anymore. If I  know who is doing that stupid things, I will surely break that people into pieces. But I control my temper because if I continue to raise my voice I think there is no chance to settle things now. The more I talked, the more they hurt my Mark. So i keep myself low.
"Please tell me what we did to you? Or just tell me what do you want from us? ".

"I don't want anything. As a father, I wish to see my children to be married and lead happy life. But you, you bastard, ruined my wishes and you doing shameless thing. Even though you had this boy now, I am sure your life with him would never be happy and success. You already know that your father do not agree with this. I think you better die, No! both of you should die now".
"Stop! Just stop! How dare you to talked such things to me? If single word came out from your mouth, I will not spare you!.keep that in you mind. Its my life and I can do whatever I want"

"P'Vee, where are we now?", Mark frowned. He tried to free himself  from that robe but it seemed he cant. After sometimes, I saw mouthful of blood coming from Mark mouth.
" Blood!!! "

End of chapter 21...
Thank you all for patiently waiting for my update here...
N tq Dupchu for editing my story💙...

Only Three days left for 2020 to end... I wish u all to enjoy the remaining days.. Lots of love....

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