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It's about 2 weeks later, for Daan and Beth the last game before the tournament begin. The Netherlands play Australia in Holland, while England play against New Zealand in the UK. Beth was just walking in the lobby of the hotel when her phone rang, it was Daan. 'Hee', Daan says exited. 'Hee Daan, how are you?', Beth ask very sweet. 'Yeah, I am good. Just want you to let you know that I am playing' 'Okay well, I did not expect anything else my girl, but I am just walking out of the meeting room ...' 'And are you playing?', Daan ask impatient. 'Well, if you let me talk' Beth laughed. 'Yeah sorry, tell me'. 'Nope, on the bench', Beth says a little bit sad. 'Ahh that sucks, but still proud of you! Maybe after this game, he let you start', Daan says optimistic. 'Thanks Daan, sad that I can't watch your game'. 'Yeah, but I watch your game back, I promise', Daan told Beth. 'Yeah same for me'. Leah walks behind Beth, so she walks a little bit faster so she can join the conversation. 'Hee dvd, how are you doing?' 'Hee Leah, good thank you, exited for the game tonight.' 'Yeah me to, you guys are ready for the World Cup?', Leah ask very curious. 'I hope so, just can't wait till it begin.' 'Me to, well talk to you later. Good luck tonight' 'You to Leah', Daan says. 'She is a good girl, just a sweetie', Beth told Daan. 'Yeah, hopefully she is gonna make some minutes in France. She deserve it.', Daan says. 'Well I need to go, good luck and gave everything!', Daan told Beth. 'Thanks, you to. Maybe I call you tonight, if not tomorrow morning' 'Yes that's okay, love you!' 'Love you', Beth says. She was a little bit sad after the meeting, but to see and speak Daan makes her feel better. Daan on the other end feel sorry for Beth, she hopes so that Beth will start in many games at the World Cup, hopefully she is doing wel tonight when she come on as a sub.

England - New Zealand, England lose the game with 0-1. Beth came on as a sub around 20 minutes before the end of the game, she did really well, but couldn't make the difference. She was happy with her performance, but of course sad with the result because New Zealand is a country where you have to win from. Daan was very happy, The Netherlands won their game with 3-0 from Australia. Daan played the whole 90 minutes and was happy with her performance. When she came back in the bus after the game, she saw some messages from Beth. 'Hi, saw you guys won, congratulations.' 'I'm already in my room and very tired, think I am going to sleep' 'Call me when you are awake, goodnight loveyou' Beth had send Daan. When Daan read this, she knew het girl was sad so she just send 'Goodnight, love you too' and make a promise to herself to call her tomorrow morning.

The next day Daan wake up with a good feeling, they had won the last game before the World Cup with 3-0. So that means they are ready to start. She picks her phone and saw that it was already 9, that means that in England it was 8 am. Maybe Beth was already awake, the moment when she thought that, she get a messages from Beth. 'Morning😘' So that means she can call her, so she did. 'Good morning babe' Daan says with a smile on her face. Beth was happy to speak to Daan, she was still a little bit sad about yesterday.
B: Hey Daan, sleep well?
D: Yeah good, you?
B: Okay, had a little struggles to sleep, still thinking about the game.
D: I can imagine, how did it go?
B: Well, I think my performance was good. The team? I don't know, it is bad if you lose from New Zealand right?
D: Yeah, it's a team you guys need to beat.
B: Yeah, just wanna forget it very soon. Focus on the World Cup, first game is in 8 days.
D: Exactly. Jup, you guys are one of the first teams, we have to wait another 11 days. But of course I am going to watch your game against Lisa and Kim.
B: Yes.
They talk some more about the games and other things when they say goodbye to each other.

A week later, Daan calls Beth the evening before her game against Scotland. 'Hee girl, how you feeling?' 'Actually I can't wait to play tomorrow!', she says with a smile. 'You are in the starting 11?', Daan ask nervous. 'Yes babe, I am', Beth told Daan very happy. 'Woohoo, I told you that back home, didn't I?', Daan says excited. 'Yeah you did, you know what that means Daan. I am going to play my first game at the World Cup tomorrow!' 'Oee, so proud of you girl. I am gonna watch you with my teammates.' 'You are going to watch with Viv?' 'Yeah of course, but also with Lieke, Jackie, Kika and Jill.', Daan told Beth with a face that she can not wait till tomorrow. 'That's nice, I hope you told them to cheer for my team?', Beth says. 'Yeah, didn't do anything, but I think they also cheer when Lisa scores, I am sorry' 'I can imagine, It's okay'. They talk some more about the game and about Beths family who are gonna watch the game in the stadium, after that they told each other good night. The next day Daan send one last text to Beth before the game to wish her luck. 'Hi girl, just wanna say good luck tonight, just show the world what you did this year at Arsenal. Although the most important thing is to just enjoy every minute of this evening! I love you and I am so proud of you my little balr!' 40 min later she had a text back, 'Thankyou Daan, I can't wait. Love you!'

England-Scotland, what a game to start of the World Cup. It was a great game to watch, a lot of chances and a few great tackles. For Beth the game was amazing, she started on the wing and created some great chances. After around 70 minutes the game was over for Beth, when she was subbed of for Carney. Also Beth scored a goal, but unfortely Ellen White was offside during the attack. After the game Beth search for her parents to give them a huge. 'Come here girl, I am so proud of you Beth', her mother says. 'You did so well', her father told her with a proud smile on his face. 'Thank you guys for being here!' Beth told her parents. She was so greatfull that that had seen her play at the Women's World Cup! She always wanted to make them proud, it was just what they always did for her, they always bring her to the training sessions back in the days. So she wanted to make them proud after al the hard work they had done. After she says goodbye to her parents she walks to Leah. 'Bethany come here. You did so good, I am proud of you little girl', Leah says happy. 'Thanks Leah. Can't wait for the next one, hopefully you are gonna get some minutes too', Beth says. 'We will see, come let's celebrate with the team!', Leah says excited.

When Beth came back in the bus she checked al of her massages. It were to many, from her family, het friends and her teammates. She was of course first looking to Daans. 'Wooh Beth, you played so well! You played at a World Cup babe, I am so proud of you. Sad your goal didn't count, but it will come in one of the next games! Enjoy tonight and call me when you have some time! Love you!', when she read the text she feels some tears coming up. It means the world that Daan told her this.

A little later all the interviews and stuff were done Beth let herself fall on her bed. It was time to call Daan she thought. Hopefully she is not already sleeping. She was still gonna try it. 'Hi my World Cup player', Daan says very proud. 'Hey babe.' 'So, how did this feel?' 'I actually can't believe it yet', Beth says serious. 'I know that feeling, did you enjoy every minute?' 'I hope so, I cannot wait for the next  game', Beth says gently. 'Ahh I can't wait for my first game, especially now that you have already started', Daan told Beth very excited. 'Where is your next game against Argentina?' Daan ask Beth. 'In La Harve, we will travel tomorrow morning with te plane.', Beth says. 'La Harve, that's where I am playing on friday.' Daan says.

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