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~Isaiah POV

"Last period of the day seniors." The teacher said walking inside. Behind her came the girl from my first period. "Wow Jessica it is an honor to have you back in my class." The teacher said. She sat down. "Welcome to Sociology. I am Ms. Jenna." The teacher said sitting behind her desk.

"This should be a fun year. And anybody that knows me knows I don't like wasting time so we're going to jump right into out first lesson. For those who don't know, Sociology is the study of human society. Social problems. Things of that nature."

"Our first lesson is death. Now I know that's kind of dark and what not but it'll make sense later on. So my first question is, what do you think the world's bigger fear is?" She asked.

"Death." That Jessica girl said. "Okay death. Everybody agrees?" Ms. Jenna asked. I looked around seeing everybody agreeing. "I don't." I said making all eyes draw to me. "What is your name?" The teacher asked.

"Isaiah Washington."

"Please explain Mr. Washington. You disagree that death isn't everybody's biggest fear?" She asked. "Everybody dies, that's a proven fact. Why be afraid of something that you know is bound to come. That's like living your life in fear everyday." I shrugged. "I like the way you think Mr. Washington." She smiled.

"With that being said, Jessica and Mr. Washington, you two will be working together on our first project." She smiled. "I will pair everyone else up. This project is about life and death. Not too depressing of course. You will be able to research any celebrity of your choice. Rapper, singer, actress, whom ever you would. Research their life and their backgrounds. You will tell their story. This is all one big project and this is just the first part."

She put us in our pairs and Jessica came and sat next to me. "So you want me to do all the work because I'm fine with that." She shrugged. "It's a group assignment why would I make you do it by yourself?" I asked. "Oh I don't know I just assumed th-" I cut her off. "You just like everybody else at these dumb ass school. Been assuming shit about me all day and don't even know a fucking thing about me." I scoffed.

"You're right. I apologize."

*After School*

"Hey." I turned around seeing Jessica from my Sociology class. "You need something?"

"Well Ms. Jenna said this was an outside school project so I just wanted to know how we were going to work on it." She said. "Maybe we can meet up in about an hour."

"Cant, got something to do. Meet me at Condesa around six." I said before walking off. Condesa was a common cafe that a lot of teenagers went to for school. I walked out the building going to my car.


I pulled up to my house seeing my aunties car in the driveway. I grabbed my phone and got out. "Surprised you didn't let yourself in like always." I said as she got out the car. "You lucky I got places to be. I just stopped by to let you know that I called Raymond and-" I cut her off. "That's all you had to say auntie." I said with a smile on my face.

"Let me finish. I told him I don't need a repeat of last time. There will be no battling or competing with nobody down there, you understand me. You almost died, remember that?"

"Auntie it's an undercover fight club. It's not roses and rainbows when I get down there. It's my way to let out my anger." I said. "Promise me Zay."

"I promise Auntie. I won't get hurt." I said. "Now if you'd excuse me, I got to get changed." I walked into the house going in my room. I was going to this underground fighting ring. They would have boxing matches and shit that I used to do when I stayed in Kirkwood.

One time I got into with a dude and I got hit in my ribs, sent me to the hospital. My auntie stopped me from going there but I still go sometimes when I need to let out some of my anger. I took off my clothes putting on some grey sweats and a hoodie. I grabbed my boxing gloves and went out to my car.


"Good to see you again Isaiah." Raymond said as I walked inside. "Shit me. I'm glad to be here again. It feels like its been years since I put these gloves on." I said sitting my bag down. I took off my hoodie and put on my gloves. "Go at it kid. I'll be in the back working on something."

I put my AirPods in and played my music.

~Jessica POV

"I'm home!" I yelled as I walked in the house. "Hey sweetheart. How was your first day?" My dad asked. "It was cool. I have a group project to work on in Sociology so I'm meeting my partner later." I said. "If you want you can bring her over here."

"That her is a him and we're just going to meet at the Cafe. I don't know him to just be inviting him over here dad." I said. "Alright well you be safe out there then. I have a meeting to go to in an hour and Adrianna is with you're grandmother so just lock up when you leave okay?"


I went upstairs to my room taking off my school clothes. It was going on four o'clock so I had about an hour and some change to chill. I put on some biker shorts and and oversized tee shirt. I put my phone in the charger and went downstairs to make me some food.


I ate and played around in some makeup for a while. I checked the clock and it was 5:45. I put my jeans back on and I grabbed my keys. I got in the car and made my way to the cafe.

~Isaiah POV

"Isaiah! I got a match starting in twenty minutes you got to head out kid!" Raymond yelled from his office." I got my last few hits in before stopping. I wiped the sweat off my face and threw my hoodie back on. "You still doing matches?" I asked walking in his office.

"I got to make money somehow." He said. "Got any other matches coming up?" I asked. "Nope, your Auntie told me not to let you participate in any more matches after last time." He said. "Come on she aint got to know everything. Plus, I was bringing you bank." I said.

"You right. You were definitely bringing in money."

"Exactly. Just let me fight, please." I said. "Tomorrow. One of my best was supposed to battle but he had a family emergency. Want to take his spot?" He asked. "You already know the answer to that. Just give me the time and I'll be there."

"Eight o'clock sharp."

"I'll be there." I said. "You're going to get me in trouble kid."


~ashkash2 💋

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