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~Jessica POV

It was going on 6:30 and Isaiah still wasn't here. I was about to just go but I seen him walk in. "Lost track of time. My bad." He said sitting down across from me. "I was starting to think you wouldn't show." I said laughing a little but he didn't crack a smile. "Okay then. So who do you want to do our project on?"

"Doesn't matter. Whatever you want I'm good with."

"Hmm. Marilyn Monroe?" I asked. "Why Marilyn Monroe?" He asked raising a brow. "Because I love Marilyn Monroe. She was an icon."

"Sure she was."

"You don't think she was an icon?" I asked. "Never paid her enough attention." He shrugged. "Wow. So who do you pay attention to. Actress or actor wise?" I asked. "I'd have to go Taraji and Will Smith."

"Okay, I can agree." I said. "So where you from?"

"This a project about Marilyn Monroe. Let's stick to that." He said pulling out a computer. "My bad, just wanted to get to know the person I'd be working with for the rest of the semester."

"It's not your fault. I just don't like talking about my background."


After a few hours of getting some information on Marilyn, we left. Isaiah seems like a cool person he just doesn't talk much. God did definitely bless him with the looks though.

*Next Day*

~Isaiah POV

I walked into first period sitting next to that girl for the acting scene. "You look nice today." She said smiling at me. I found it a little entertaining that she was so thirsty over me and we met yesterday. "What scene are we doing?" I asked. "You know the scene where Jack held Rose over the edge of the boat. She felt like she was flying." She said.


"Have you ever even seen the movie?" She asked.


"Alright. How about we just do a different movie. You can pick." She said. "Let's do Set It Off. We can do the scene where Cleo survived." I said sarcastically. "What's Set It Off?" She asked making me shake my head. "Ever seen the movie Brotherly Love?" I asked making her nod. "Our best bet is to do a scene from there because it's clear you and I don't watch the same shit."


It was lunch. I actually decided to sit in the cafeteria this time instead of going to the car. I looked around and I didn't see nobody I would actually want to sit by. I found a table that had a kid there with his head down. Perfect. Nobody there trying to talk me to death. I sat down at the table and put my headphones in. I looked around at everybody here.

You had the table full of jocks. Can't fuck with those.

Table full of cheerleaders. Damn for sure going to stay the hell away from them.

Band kids. I'm cool off that.

Everyone else was just spread about. I leaned back in the chair closing my eyes. Putting my thoughts somewhere that I was actually excited.

The fight tonight.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt the presence of someone else sitting at the table. I opened my eyes seeing Jessica. "You're here. Why?" I asked sitting up. "You looked lonely." She shrugged. "Well I wasn't, so you can go back to the table with your friends." I said closing my eyes. "No, I'm good. All they're talking about is cheerleading tryouts. Something I am not interested in."

"Really? You look like the bitchy cheerleader type." I said without opening my eyes. "And you look like the fuckboy boy type but you don't see me complaining." She said nonchalantly. "Plus, I came over here for another reason."

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