Part Two: Friends

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"Hey!" Mason said like he doesn't give a care In the world

"Hi I'm Hope Smith", Said person introduced

"Wait where did you come from?, You weren't here a second ago" James said

"Right sorry. Your dearly kind friend Hollie here seen me sat alone and offered if I would like to sit with her and some friends" Hope stated

"Yea. Anyway hey Mason." Hollie muttered

"I'm Annabella Lewis, but call me Bella. Wait you already know him?" I asked

"Yea I went to Primary with James so I've meet him once or twice."

"Will you put your bloody feet down for friging hell sake!?" Hope exclaimed turning around all of a sudden looking quite annoyed. the first person she


After everyone introduced themselves and got to know each other, I begin watching the scene in front of me, Hope and Mason bickering because Mason keeps putting his feet up, and James laughing and adding a few bits here and there and Hollie just laughing to herself and telling James not to get involved. As I sat there and observed the scene in front of me, I realised I never wanted to lose these friends and although James was a bit of a dickhead he was my friend the first person I met here that I didn't go to primary with. I realised even though I only met them about 5mins ago, if I wanted to get through these next 5 years with anyone it'd be these losers. My losers.


The day carried on except now I sat with my new friends, mainly Hope cause she was rather sarcastic and would make funny remarks about some of the teacher, although in some classes I sat by James or Hollie because Hope could get too much. Unfortunately Mason wasn't in any of our classes due to him being in another set. It was lunch and we had just met up with Mason and were heading outside as It was a nice day (which was rather rare where we lived). We sat down and were eating and chatting when all of a sudden Hope just smirked got up and walked off. We watched where she was going and she was just talking to this group with 3 girls and 1 boy. I recognised the 1 girl, Kaitlyn Price but the others was a mystery to me although by there faces I could tell that Hollie and James recognised them.

"Hey Hol isn't that Eddie and Jazzy?" Questioned James

"Yea. It Is, its the first day how does she already know them and who's the other girl?" Hollie said

"Dunno, but im about to find out" I said as I packed my stuff and made my way over to Hope. "Hey Hope, you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine why?" asked Hope with a face of confusion.

"Oh you just suddenly got up and walked off, we were all confused" I replied "well anyway who's your other friends?"

"Oh sorry didn't mean to do that but anyway I wanted to speak to Katie" She pointed to a girl with long curly blonde hair "before the day ended" Hope had said with an apologetic look.

"Hi Katie I'm Bella"

"Hey Bella nice to meet you" Katie said.

"Katie's my primary friend and the only other person from my primary." She explained "Anyway this is Jazzy," She pointed to another blonde except this one was shorter and had long straight hair that went to her waist "And this is Eddie." Hope pointed to a Tall brunette boy.

"Hey nice to meet you all I'm Annabella but everyone calls me Bella" I replied sticking my hand out.

"Hi" Said Jazzy shaking my hand cautiously

"Hey!" Eddie replied shaking my hand wildly.

Hope's POV

As me and Katie talked, I could see Bella talking to Eddie and Jazzy in the corner of my eye. They seem to get on well enough.

"Hey Hope-" I heard and as I turned to look at Bella she was turning to me while giving Eddie a confused look, honestly I don't blame her he's and odd bloke. "-Im going to head back to the others."

"Okay I'll be there now 2 minutes"

"Bye guys I'll see you 'round" Bella spoke to the others, and with that she turned on her heel and walked back to our table.

"Right guys it was lovely seeing you but I better go hopefully I'll see you tomorrow too" As I turned out walk away I head a chorus of what sounded like "Bye's".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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