Chapter Two

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Emma had curled up on Zeldas lap and watched the fire with eyes of wonder. I watched Zelda with the same eyes. I tried to envision her as the girl she had been in high school. The two hardly compared. She has short now, even shorter then, bright orange hair, teeth in desperate need of braces. I stopped myself. Her eyes were the same and they were beautiful. Her light pink lips curved into the same smile they would've back then. Why was I so quick to judge her as ugly or beautiful.

Zelda slipped out of her shoes and stretched her short legs ahead of her. Emma shifted and laid her legs on her mothers. Zelda wiggled her toes within her tights, Emma did the same with her bare feet. I slipped off my shoes and socks silently then extended my feet towards the flames.

When her eyes met mine it was as though everyone else had disappeared. It was just us. Part of me wanted to reach over and grab her hand. While the other part of me wanted to get to knees and apologize for being an ass.

The way she held Emma was priceless. Her hand rested softly on the child's waist while her smile shone like an unstoppable sun. She was truly beautiful. Why haunt I seen it back in high school.

"You gonna kiss her or just stare" Alix nudged my arm and whispered.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

Emma let out a soft yawn as her arms reached toward the sky. "Should mama Koochaki take you in for bed?" Alixs mother gladly took her from Zelda. She gave another yawn and waved to her mother, who waved back as softly.

"Sweet dreams baby girl." She kissed her forehead.

"Let us old and young people go to sleep while you all enjoy the night." Alixs mom smiled. "Happy birthday baby boy."

"Thanks mom." Alix gave out a drunk sigh. Once they were inside the conversation quickly turned to more mature matters.

"Have you ever had sex on that trampoline"

Or should I say immature.

"Riley you're an idiot." Alix snorted. And look at us, all awaiting a response. "No! Gosh."

Question after question was forced upon the drunken man. Amidst a rather personal question about shaving, Zelda placed her small and soft hand on mine. "Let's go jump." She whispered and twisted my hand to hold hers. She was the first to stand, dragging me up with her.

"Get some!" Manny yelled but I ignored him.

We had left our shoes and it was easy to slip inside the netted trampoline. I had done my fair share of jumping on this when I was younger, not this exact one, they had gone through about three thanks to our stupid shenanigans. This one was purchased after Alix had graduated, got his sister to continue to use. This one had remained.

Zelda held my hand still as she walked to the center. "I used to be able to do a flip." She said and began to hop lightly.

I joined her. "Oh ya? Try it."

"I'm in a skirt." She chuckled.

"It's dark." It was dark. But the stars above us, and the gleaming fire on the other end of the yard illuminated her enough for me to pick out her features.

"Oh fine." She laughed and pulled me to the net. "Just stay out of my way" She bounced a few times then gave a powerful hop. Her legs swung backwards over her head, still she landed in another swift hop.

"That was rad!" I clapped. In the distance I could hear them whispering about us. "Very nice."

"I could do that in high school too."

I felt bad that she needed to say that and I wanted to speak, but she didn't let me.

"You should try one!"

"Me? No way!"

"Oh come on!" She begged and pouted her lower lip.

"Oh fine." I mimicked her former tone.

"Yay!" She clapped and hopped to the net.

I didn't jump, but rather awkwardly bounce-walked to the middle. In all my years with trampoline experience I had never done a flip. I'd jumped off the roof onto it, I'd climbed the net and fallen backwards, I'd even attempted to pogo-stick on it once. Yet a flip had never crossed my mind. Hesitantly I bounced a few times before leaning back like she had. Except I didn't flip, but rather landed flat on my back.

The stars above me spun in a dangerous spiral. The trampoline shook as Zelda laid beside me. It was silent as her hand curled around mine. No words needed to be spoken. A gentle wind hit and she moved closer to me. I could get used to this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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