Chapter 1

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Nightwing sighed, glancing down at the communicator in his hands.

It had been three years since he had left Bruce, left the Team, and left Babs.

He was currently going through a mental debate as to whether or not he should contact the League. The communicator he held was the one issued to him when he had first met the League, to contact them in an emergency.

That had been ten years ago, when he was 9. Now, at 19, three years after leaving with no trace, he missed them. Sure, he had the Titans, but they knew practically nothing about him. Not his identity, not his history, nothing. They didn't even know about his past as Robin. He didn't share his true fighting style with them, for fear of someone recognising him that way.

He thought back to what had triggered his nostalgia.

He had entered the living room that morning, only to overhear his own name being mentioned by Cyborg and Beast Boy. Technically, it had been Robin who was mentioned, but it was his name all the same.

He had gone and seated himself on the sofa beside them, pretending to be working on his hologlove, but he listened intently to their conversation.

"I can't believe it's been three years since the original Robin's disappearance," Cyborg was saying.

"I know, dude! Beast Boy agreed, eagerly, "I wonder where he went to. I'm sure he's not dead, he's Robin, so he wouldn't be, so where do you think he's gone?"

"Hey 'Wing?" Cyborg called, "You're the detective. Where do you think Robin is?"

Dick put on an uninterested expression before replying, "Well, considering there are 7 continents, 195 countries, 10 000 cities and 7 835 198 945 people in the world, it is quite difficult to narrow it down. And because no one knows his identity, no one could recognise him without his mask. For all we know, he could have been one of the civilians we rescued yesterday, or could have been one of the heroes that we know."

Beast Boy and Cyborg stared at their leader in shock, before bursting into fits of excited laughter.

"Wouldn't that be awesome? We could have saved Robin! And we might even know him. Quick! Which heroes do we know that match Robin's description?"

Beast Boy scratched his chin in thought, "Well, out of the heroes I know, the one that would probably best match his description would actually be Nightwing."

Nightwing looked up at the mention of his name. Both Cyborg and Beast Boy were staring at him.


"You know, BB, 'Wing did start the Titans three years ago and we'd never heard of him before, although he clearly had training and experience."

They continued to study him thoughtfully.

"Look, guys, I'm not Robin."

"Sure you're not," Beast Boy said, sarcastically.

"Everything fits, 'Wing."

"Maybe so, but I'm not Robin."

"If you say so."

Sighing at his teammates' theories, however true they might be, he got up and went to his room, locking the door behind him, and grateful for the sound-proof walls.

Sitting down on his bed, he pulled out 2 communicators from his belt.

One was the League communicator.

The other was one of his own design.

The special one worked on a secure network, and only two devices worked at a time. The other was with Barbara Gordon, Batgirl and Dick's girlfriend.

Although the pair hadn't seen each other for three years, they still kept in contact through the devices Dick had created. To Dick, Babs' voice was a comfort, and she also kept him up to date on what was going on back home.

She had joined the Team in Dick's place after he had left, and gave him information on them as well.

Sighing once again, Dick picked up the League communicator, debating whether or not to contact them.

Before he could stop himself, his fingers pressed the buttons that would send a call to League Headquarters.


The team was at the Watchtower when the call was received. Batgirl was the one to respond.

"Watchtower here. What's up."


No one answered. The team glanced at each other in puzzlement. After a few moments, the signal disconnected.

"Well, that was..."



"No,it wasn't," Batgirl announced, having done some digging, "The call came from Robin's comm."

"You mean that was Rob?"

"Where was it coming from?"

"Jump City."

755 words

So, I know I've done something similar before, but this one is different. I hope you enjoy 🥰

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