Chapter 4

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 A/N: Some of the information in here is not going to be historically correct seeing as writing about the 1300s is seeming to be very difficult so sorry about that!

One week before the first day at Hogwarts, I decided to go to Diagon Ally to get my school supplies. Since it's my first time going to Hogwarts I had to get somethings that the first years needed. All other things were for the 5th years.

Once I arrived, I first went to Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions. When I went inside I was greeted by Madam Malkin. She took my measurements and gave me what I needed

Three sets of plain day robes (black)

One plain pointed hat (black)

One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

One winter cloak (black)

3 floor-length plain dresses (black)

After exiting Madam Malkin's I went to some other stores and picked up a cauldron, some crystal vials, a telescope, and a set of brass scales. After getting more supplies I went to Flourish and Blotts for my books.

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5 by Miranda Goshawk

Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinked

After Flourish and Blotts, I stopped at Magical Menagerie. I'm not going to know anybody there so I may as well have something to keep me company. That something just so happens to be a Turkish Van. The Turkish Van is a rare type of cat. The fur on her head was orange and white and her body was all white while her tail was a reddish orangeish color. Her eyes were a beautiful copper color. I decided to name her Avoca after one of my mother's middle names. After getting everything I need I just needed to stop at one more place, Ollivanders. Of course, I was already skilled in wandless and non-verbal magic (seeing as it was the first magic I ever learned). I only needed a wand to fit in.

As I walked into Ollivanders, I was met with a man named Gilbert Ollivander. The first wand I tried 11 inches, cherry wood with a Unicorn hair core. It didn't work. The second wand I tried was 9 ½ inches, hazelwood with a dragon heartstring core. That wand didn't work either. I tried 4 more wands after that one. After my 6th try, I tried another wand. 10 ⅓ inches, holly wood with a Theastral Hair core. It was a white wand and a rare wand at that. As soon as Gilbert Ollivander handed it to me I felt a warmth that was indescribable. (wand shown above)

After a day at Diagon Ally, I returned to my room in The Hallows Inn. I dropped everything off in my room and then went down to the bar. I ordered my dinner at the bar which was just some soup. Halfway through dinner, I was greeted by my mysterious best friend.

"Hello Cia. Funny seeing you here" he stated.

"Well Barry, I practically live here so it's really not that surprising." I said back. He looked at me for a minute and I looked at him back. Then we just started laughing for no reason. It seems to be a thing we do quite often.

"I'm going to miss you while you're gone Barry. You're the first friend I ever made and I don't know when I'm going to see you again!" It's true, I am going to miss Barry while I'm off at school. I'm not going to tell him I'm going to a magical school though because even though we've known each other for a couple of months, I'm not going to ruin our friendship by telling him I'm a witch. I don't know his views on magical people so I'll tell him when we're both back from wherever he's going and from where I'm going.

"Ah Cia, don't get all sappy on me now. We will see each other soon enough and then we can catch up on everything that has happened while I'm gone" He said.

I can't wait to go to Hogwarts and learn maybe even more magic and make new friends but Barry will always be the first friend I ever made nobody can replace him.

After 2 hours of talking with Barry, he returned home and I went to my room and started reading. I know we will learn everything in the books once we get to school but since I'm new I want to be ahead so I don't seem like a fool.

I woke up the next morning still in my clothes from yesterday and my book sprawled out on the bed.

"Guess I fell asleep reading" I stated to myself. I got up for the day and got dressed. When I was finished getting dressed I decided I'd spend the day in London. I didn't have much muggle currency with me so I couldn't buy much but I could still look around.

I stopped in many little shops but nothing really caught my eye. After a couple of hours, I went back to The Hallows Inn and decided to go to sleep for the night.

>Here's a little time skip<

The day before September 1st, 1349 was a sad day for Cia and Barry. They won't be seeing each other until who knows when. They decided to spend the day together because they thought they'd make one last happy memory before they went away.

"Barry! Come on. I want to make it to the lake before dinner." I thought that since summer was ending we could spend some time at the lake.

"Cia I'm coming. We have plenty of time. I know we are not gonna see each other for a while but that doesn't mean we have to rush our time together"

"I know I know but still I want to have some fun before you leave" And so that's what we did. We spent all day by the lake, savoring up the sun before it went down and we wouldn't see each other.

"I'll miss you Barry." I said. We were hugging each other. Neither one of us wanting to let go.

"I'll miss you too Cia but we'll see each other again as soon as I come back" We both let go of each other.

"All right all right I know. Don't have too much fun without me Barry"

"I won't. But im still gonna have fun" He said

"All right you goon. Go on before you're mother freaks out that you aren't back yet" I said. He started to walk away then but before he got too far I screamed " BYE BARRY!" and yelled back "BYE CIA!"

Once he was gone I went back to my room and got ready for tomorrow. I have no clue how I'm going to get there but I'm sure the headmistress has something planned.

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