Don't touch my pens!

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1) Ego.

Which also links in with my Sarcasm. In real life my confidence is low especially when I think about how I look, so I substitute my insecurity with my amazing sarcasm and wit. Seriously, when someone *cough* My Siblings *cough* try to make fun of me, I have an answer on the tip of my tongue which they're too... Incompetent... To understand. My sister's daughter takes after me and has an answer on her tongue for everything. When she was in her first year at mosque, she had a tendency to fall asleep- wait! I mean rest her eyes, every so often. Eventually her teacher just told her to stay at home the next day. He obviously meant it in a sarcastic way, but guess what she did? The very next day she told her mum straight after school that she didn't have to go to mosque that day. When she went back the day after that, her teacher asked her where she was. The remembrance of the answer of a 5 year old still makes me chuckle whilst I write this. She uh, kindly, reminded him that he'd told her to stay home, which prompted him not to be sarcastic with her. Now she's in her second year of mosque, and as a kid, yes, she does have mistakes in her Arabic. Every time she comes home without a new line of Arabic assigned to her, her mum asks her why she hasn't got a new line. Her amazing response?

"The teacher's deaf mum. I say it right but he can't hear me properly."

Needless to say she keeps us entertained.

2) Type A Personality.

I hate losing. Games, competitions, or more importantly... Arguments. Never try to pick an argument with me especially in a subject I'm passionate about. Regardless of if I'm wrong, I will carry the argument on until you give up. My longest standing argument has lasted for 4 days. I was also wrong but my sister gave up... Eventually. Oh! And I shouldn't forget to say that I can be as petty as to sit and argue with children, namely my nephews. They irritate me to no ends unless of course I have something for them.

3) OCD, or should I say CDO?

Many of you may know this already, but I am plagued by the terrible disease of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. In my case this doesn't mean that I am obsessively tidy, nope. In my case it means I have to have my stationary a certain way in a certain order. When I do grocery shopping certain things have to be put on the till together. When I buy groceries I have to buy in pairs. My iPad apps have to be in a certain place designated solely for them! And not to mention my earrings and hijabs. They also have their happy places. The one I'm mostly particular about has to be... (comment here which one and then scroll down to see if you're right!)

My stationary. In particular my pens. Whenever I buy pens they have to be every colour of the rainbow. Then when I'm in lectures I have to have them set out in front of me in a certain colour order and they all have to be straight. I've converted one of my uni friends into this stationary organising maniac. We frequently argue over the colour order of the pens. Yes we are that sad.

4) Family.

Okay this one is simple. Or complicated depending on how many people you have in your family. I have a mother a father, two brothers, a sister. My brothers are both married which therefore means I have two sister in laws. My oldest brother and sister in law have two children who are both boys. The oldest son is 10 years and a week younger than me. The youngest was named in honour of me. My second brother and my second sister in law also have two children, one boy and one girl. The boy is a chocolate addict like moi! And the girl is, to put it simply, a cheeky munchkin. She could give me a run for my money, although I have to say *twirls hijab* she does have an amazing aunt who taught her everything she knows. (See how big my ego is?)

5) Something everyone always wonders on Wattpad.

I am soon to leave.

My teenage years I mean *sigh*.

I am 20 this year. *Cries in corner* I'm getting old O.O.

I have nothing else to say.

So there you have my first instalment of All About Me? I will update this, I just need to figure myself out more. I'm a pretty complicated person you see ;)

This one is dedicated to my friend Zermy, who you will know as zermeen who tagged me to do this fact thingy. She has cool books which you should totally check out!

Jabera x

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