Chapter 3

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Peter's POV

I pulled on dark blue jeans, grabbing a black jacket and pulling it over my warm grey hoodie. I didn't bother with my messy hair today, instead I just ran my fingers through it, slightly taming my brown curls.

I sighed as I snagged my 5th bag over my shoulder, adjusting the silver bracelet that clung onto my wrist.

You never know when I'll need them, and I'll never leave them at home again. Especially after the incident straight after school when a murderer came out of the school toilets once the bell rang.

I walked out of my room, kicking on some black chuck taylor converse (search it up, they are a little bit like boots but not really.).

I was greeted with the sight of my father, who was curled up on the couch like some sort of cat, with the wizard dude. His head resting on Stephen's chest, who's hand was wrapped around the other sleeping figure. Their breaths matched as they both slept. (for those that read this a while ago I did change the ship to ironstrange.)

I grabbed a green apple, smiling at the sight of the two. Taking a bite out of it and walking over to the little haven the two superheroes were curled upon.

I grabbed a large, red wooly blanket, draping it over them before turning on my black heel and leaving. As I stepped out of the two sliding, glass doors the chilly air crashed over me like a wave, cold and unforgiving.

I was right to wear another jacket over my hoodie, even with my mutated spider genes I can still catch a bad cold, I'll just recover faster than most average people giving me some sort of advantage.

Little puffs of cloudy air emitted from my mouth and nose with every cold breath I took, floating into the atmosphere and mingling with the air.

I shoved my hands into my pockets to try and gather a little bit more warmth, making the slightest difference between cold and warm.

"Yo! Waddup penis!" I rolled my eyes.

"The sky, I thought a smart person like you would already know that." I replied, walking past Flashes silver painted car and through the school's old and tall gates. He would almost definitely make me pay for saying that, but right now I just didn't care or worry about him.

I smiled as Ned called me, flapping his arm around like some sort of fish out of the water. I jogged up to him, greeting him and doing our secret handshake.

"Hey Ned! How are you?" He gave me a warm smile.

"Not bad, but did you hear? Apparently the Thompsons threatened to fire the teachers if they ever tried to suspend Flash, how stupid is that?" I huffed, so that was why Flash was still in school, threatening and buying his way out of everything.

"Well that's Flash for you, come on let's get to homeroom." Ned nodded, going into a full on rant about the new lego death star he had just received the other day.

We got through the first two lessons easily, no drama, no bullying, no nothing. We sat down on a nearly empty table, MJ sitting at the end with her feet propped up on the table, her nose buried in yet another book. Ned and I were on the opposite side, backs facing the main tables in the cafeteria *cough*Flash's table * cough*.

I sat down, my spidey sense tingling the slightest bit, but I just ignored it. Knowing that it was probably something petty such as Flash or his goons who were coming for revenge or something.

"Where do you keep your suit? Do you like wear it underneath your clothes or something?" I shook my head, looking around before showing him my silver bracelet.

"What no, that just gross man. I managed to make it fit into this, the programming has nothing to do with this, instead I made it so that there was a specific part of the vibranium that has-

"Hey Peter"

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. The voice sounded strangely familiar, but I couldn't pinpoint it. It definitely wasn't anyone from the main groups or Flash's group. The accent from the southern side. I turned around to face the person, realisation crashing over me like Thor's hammer.


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