Halloween Panic

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It was Halloween night in Crystal Cove. Everyone was either outside enjoying the Halloween Parade, or in the Scooby gang's case, trying to catch another monster. Well, not EVERYONE in the Scooby gang. Cleo was currently sitting in the back of the Mystery Machine with Scooby and Shaggy's adopted daughter, Ember, trying to talk Shaggy out of a panic attack. "Shaggy, for the love of the gods, take a deep breath!" sighed Cleo. "Like I can't help it, Cleo! I'm scared! No! Not scared, TERRIFIED!" yelled Shaggy grabbing the sides of his head. "Dad, relax will you!? You're panicking before you've even asked him!" said Ember rolling her eyes. "That's why I'm so scared! Like what if he says no!? What if he says yes!?" asked Shaggy. "Shaggy, you WANT him to say yes!" sighed Cleo as Daphne knocked on the Mystery Machine. "Let's go guys, places!" she called. Cleo crawled over to the door and opened it. "We may be delayed a bit longer. Shaggy's still a....nervous wreck is it?" said Cleo. "Seriously, Cleo, haven't you told Shaggy we're here to prove there IS no monster!?" asked Velma in annoyance. "For your information, Velma, the monster is the LEAST of Shaggy's worries right now!" said Cleo. "What do you mean?" asked Daphne. Cleo rolled her eyes and went back in the Mystery Machine for a minute and coming back out with a small box. "THIS is what is got him all jittery as you'd say." "No way! Is he going to do it!? Tonight!?" squealed Daphne. "IF we can get him out of the Mystery Machine!" said Cleo rolling her eyes. "Maybe I should just wait! Like last thing I want is to be humiliated in public!" cried Shaggy. "Oh come off that will you!?" asked Cleo tapping her foot. "Seriously, Dad!" groaned Ember. "Cleo and Ember are right Shaggy, there is NOTHING to be afraid of!" said Velma as an explosion sounded behind her. "Excuse me! Like I'll be panicking again if anyone needs me!" yelled Shaggy snatching the box from Cleo and slamming the door shut. "Shaggy, open this door this INSTANT!" warned Cleo pounding on the Mystery Machine as the Scarecrow attacked. "Alright, gang, let's solve this mystery!" said Fred running over with Demon, Catman, Starchild, and Spaceman. "Are those two still hiding in there!?" asked Demon. "Quite...." sighed Cleo pinching the bridge of her nose. 

Back in the Mystery Machine, Ember was still trying to talk her adopted father into calming down. "Dad, look, I know your afraid. Anyone in you position would be, but you can do this! I'll even help you make this super creative way to ask him. I mean come on, it IS Halloween after all so if your going to do this, might as well do it the Halloween way!" said Ember. "Like you'd do that for me?" asked Shaggy looking at Ember in disbelief. "We both will!" said Scooby wagging his tail. "And I know JUST how to do it! Grab some tape for me, will you, Scooby?" asked Ember grabbing the bucket of Halloween candy. "Rape? Rokay!" said Scooby hopping in the front seat to search the glove compartment. "Take your shirt off, Dad!" said Ember. "Huh? Like why my shirt!?" asked Shaggy. "Dad, trust me!" said Ember. "Like if you say so, Ember!" said Shaggy removing his shirt. While Ember got to work, none of them noticed all the chaos going on outside. 

"Nice work, guys!" said Starchild once they caught the Scarecrow. "It'll be even better if Shaggy, Scooby, and Ember are still in one piece!" said Demon pointing to the totaled Mystery Machine. "Your days of scaring everyone are over, Scarecrow!" said Spaceman as a police car pulled up behind them. "Or should we call you regular Scarecrow!" said Velma removing the pumpkin head. "Regular Scarecrow, seriously, Velma?" asked Catman. "Whoa! I did NOT see that coming said Fred making Cleo smack him. "I think she means to say THE Scarecrow as in Dr. Jonathan Crane." said Demon pulling the Scarecrow mask off. "Former professor of psychology turned town super villain if I remember correctly." said Spaceman. "And he's also a recent escapee from Arkham Asylum." said Catman. "Nice work! That's a mighty big fish you kids trapped there." said the Sheriff walking over to them. "It wasn't a trap, it was an app!" said Fred holding up his phone. "Let it go, Fred!" warned Cleo. "Still, this ones wanted for crimes all over the East Coast. I can already feel the paperwork burrowing into my skull." said the Sheriff rubbing his temples. "Any last words before the law throws the book on you? I would've....Come on! Say it with me!" said Daphne hitting record on her phone. "Daphne, give me that!" yelled Cleo snatching Daphne's phone and putting it in her purse. "Cleo, that was totes rude!" said Daphne. "And your TOTES going to get turned into a statue if you keep that up!" warned Cleo as her eyes lit up. "At least he didn't say 'and I would've gotten away with it too if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!'" said Demon rolling his eyes. "Oh but I am getting away with it!" said Dr. Crane as drones busted out of all the windows of random buildings. "Drones!" yelled Velma. "We can see that!" said Demon sarcastically. "A deadman's switch. You shut down I signal I used to control my gas grenade drones, but that same signal was the only thing that stops my friends here from plunging this entire town into seventy six hours of unmitigated terror. And so the fate of Crystal Cove was left in the capable hands of-" said Dr. Crane but Cleo cut him off. "Oh, I wouldn't say you've won with THESE drones either, right Spaceman?" she asked smirking at her friend. "You know it, Cleo! One drone extermination coming up!" said Spaceman letting his aura surround him before flying up in the air. "Oh yeah! Bet you weren't counting on my super hero boyfriend having electric powers now were you!? In your face!" yelled Velma pointing at a stunned Jonathan Crane as Spaceman used his powers to shut the drones down. "OK seriously, WHAT is wrong with Daphne and Velma today!?" asked Catman. "Fred ain't exactly himself either." said Demon. "Nice work stopping the drones, Spaceman!" said Starchild as he landed. "Thanks. Not very tough though if you ask me!" said Spaceman.             

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