Velma's Doubt

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"Oh you have GOT to be kidding me!" said Demon who was able to see the pumpkins out the back door windows. "Mr. Nye, more RPMs please." said Velma causing the Mystery Machine X to speed up. "Hey, I thought we were stoppin." said Elvira. "Tell that to THEM!" yelled Catman leaning over Fred and pointing behind the vehicles. "Speed up. Go go go!" said Velma before the X drove up ahead along with Mike's car. "Really? It's a PARADE Float." said Elvira as Daphne and Starchild looked out the back windows. "Um, Mentee of the Dark?" "Yes, Mentor of the Dark?" asked Daphne. "I don't suppose you've ever disconnected a Parade Float from a car going eighty miles per hour before have you?" asked Elvira. "Um...of COURSE I have!" said Daphne. "Oh no. I'LL handle this one." said Starchild climbing over the seats and opening the back of the car. "I'd hurry up if I were you, Starchild! They don't look like they plan on slowing down anytime soon!" said Spaceman. "You're telling me!" agreed Catman as Starchild let his aura surround him. "One detached Parade Float coming up!" he said summoning up a star bolt to hit the metal connecting the car to the float and leapt back over the seats. "Heads down everybody!" he said pulling Daphne down with him. "Heads down? What FOR!" cried Elvira in surprise when there was a loud explosion from behind and the Parade Float ended up catching on fire as it separated itself from the car which began to speed up. "Ha. Starbolts right?" asked Daphne looking up at her boyfriend with a slight smile. "You know it. Darling." said Starchild winking at her making Daphne blush and giggle behind her hand. "My turn!" said Catman with a smirk. "Go get em, Cat!" said Ember with a smile as she watched her future parent open the back doors of the X. Catman's aura flared to life and he took a breath and let out a loud and angered roar making the Float that was attached to Elvira's car spin from the impact knocking some of the vehicles off the road slightly. The vehicles that weren't knocked out of the way seemed to collide with Elvira's Float causing an explosion. "Like wow!" laughed Shaggy. "Yes. Let that be a lesson to you that your future husband has a 'wild side' to him if you will." said Cleo raising an eyebrow. "Uh guys, hate to be the bringer of bad news here but...." said Spaceman noticing something out of the review mirror. "They're still coming!?" asked Velma in surprise as the vehicles being driven by the Jack-o-lanterns emerged from the smoke hardly with any damage done to them. "Well, at least we bought ourselves some breathing room." said Fred. "Uh, after all THAT I'm starting to wish there was more breathing room in this corset." said Elvira shifting around in the driver's seat in slight discomfort. "Oh oh! Can I wear it!? Thanks for the assist back there." said Daphne looking up at Velma. "No problem. But now we need to solve this mystery." said Velma. "The problem is that we can't exactly stop or slow down to gather any sort of clues like we usually would thanks to the Jack-o-lanterns constantly chasing us." said Spaceman. "DO we even know they're real pumpkins?" asked Mr. Nye appearing through the holographic screen again. "Looked pretty real to Scooby and I." said Ember crossing her arms. "Very real!" agreed Scooby while Velma seemed to ponder for a moment and her eyes lit up. "The fear gas! Maybe we were exposed to it!" said Velma. "Nope. The first thing I did was check the air quality. Its remarkably clear out there." said Mr. Nye as a robot arm holding a clear test tube can out from what looked like part of the glove compartment. And OPEN test tube mind you. "Velma, are you scared too?" asked Shaggy. "Of course not! There's got to be a logical solution to this somewhere in my mind palace." said Velma. "Wow! You lie in a Palace!?" asked Michelle excitedly. "To put it in more simpler terms, it just another term for where Velma stores certain memories in her head." said Catman. "Eh. That doesn't sound as fun." said Michelle. "Like Cleo's Mom used to live in a palace. OW!" yelped Shaggy rubbing the part of his side where Cleo just elbowed him. "Kindly leave my mother out of this yes?" questioned Cleo crossing her arms with a glare. "Like sorry." said Shaggy slouching in his seat. "Maybe the reason your having a hard time figuring things out is because for the first time in your life, you're actually scared Velma." said Demon crossing his arms. "Scared? I'm not scared." said Velma crossing her arms. "You sure? Cause I can never find anything I'm looking for. And I'm scared all the time." said Shaggy. "Ain't that the truth." said Catman. "Like says the one who agreed to marry this scardy cat! Face it, like you think I'm cute when I'm scared!" said Shaggy. "Ew, do I RELLY need to be hearing this right now!?" groaned Ember. "I'm not scared! You can't be scared of something that isn't real!" said Velma. "But they are real." said Fred. "Real pumpkin." said Scooby. "But not real monsters." said Velma. "Oh. There's no shame in being scared, Velma. Even Cleo gets scared. OW!" said Shaggy rubbing the back of his head. "Also leave my fear of snakes out of this." said Cleo putting her purse back down. "Well good. Because I'm NOT. Now can everyone be quiet so I can focus on my mind palace?" said Velma taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. "Now, what do we know about these Jackal-lanterns?" "They can turn people into other pumpkins." said Ember flatly. "Like they'll eat your pants right off your butt." said Shaggy pointing to Cleo's stitch work. "Well now, had you not decided to sit on it, you wouldn't have gotten bit now would you?" asked Cleo crossing her arms raising a brow. "The smash real good." said Daphne clenching on of her fists. "We know that chemicals generally cause mutants this extreme in nature. So these Jackal-lanterns probably aren't what they appear to be." said Mr. Nye whose holographic head turned into a pumpkin. "Probably?! You're saying there's a chance these things really are monster pumpkins for real!?" asked Mike. "As scientists, we can't discount anything without evidence. Even the seemingly impossible is possible. Technically." said Mr. Nye. "Man, I thought science was supposed to make people feel better!" said Mike. "Nope. Science is a means to get to the truth. And sometimes the truth hurts." said Velma poking her head out the window to look behind them at the Jackal-lanterns. "Right now, truth is that I don't know WHAT to make of any of this."           

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