four ━━ dead past

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CHAPTER FOUR: dead past

CHAPTER FOUR: dead past

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❛ nothing is the 𝙨𝙖𝙢𝙚 ❜

     SHE HAD ALWAYS found solace in the strangest things. Making mini tornados in her cupped hands was her number one way to comfort herself. Her number two was watching the sunset from the roof of the headquarters. But combining both? Paradise, or the closest she could get. There was something about watching the sun sink into the horizon, silently promising to return tomorrow, and knowing that she had lived another day. It was quite a grim thought, but it gave her the right amount of happiness and hope to begin the next day with just as much optimism. Now it brought her very little relief. As her fingers whirled around, air circling in a cone-like shape, the sun sunk and vanished slowly, and all she could think about was how she dreaded for it to rise again.

     The Outsiders wanted her off the team, albeit to get help, and not because they hated her. Well, they might as well. Brion had never liked her, but then again, he never really liked anyone and vice versa. He always gave bad first impressions and despite it, she tried to befriend him. She supposed that did not mean anything, seeing as he was an advocate for her getting kicked from the team for good. Victor had been the one who offered to send her off the team because he thought she needed therapy and because he was worried she would kill one of them. The worst part was watching them all quietly agree as if the time she spent with them meant nothing. She wondered if the same action, carried out by a different member of the team, would garner the same reaction.

     Juniper knew it did not matter. This was happening to her and she could do nothing to stop it because she could not defend herself. She showed her side of the story through words on a piece of paper, so it had significantly less of an impact than if she had said it all aloud. She did not have that luxury though. She could not scream or cry or beg her teammates to believe that what she did was nothing more than an accident, a moment of weakness. She was at the mercy of those who were supposed to give her a home and a family.

ONCE UPON A DREAM ─ jason toddWhere stories live. Discover now