Chapter Ten: Epilogue

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Liam had to start playing guitar at around two in the morning because...

Oh my god, how were they so loud?! 

How were they making so much noise in there?! How had his stupid guitar strumming not drowned them out -- did Morgan not hear what was happening in the room next to them right then?!

Liam's face was bright red and he wasn't even sure what he was playing.

Morgan flopped into the bed next to him and put a hand onto his thigh. Liam smiled and looked down at him.

"What's up with that gorgeous look on your face right now?" Morgan asked.

Liam felt his heartbeat in his face. Morgan laughed and squeezed his thigh. 

"What's up with you?"

Morgan was studying his red face but for the love of god, he had to keep playing his guitar.

"...Is it 'cause Dave is fucking the living daylights out of Ethan right now? They are pretty loud... " Morgan laughed but Liam was paralyzed by everyone in the house having heard his best friend's special little moment. "Good for Dave. He probably has a huge --"

"Okay, MORGAN, stop it..." 

"I was going to say he has a huge chip off of his shoulder now, Ethan... Jesus Christ...

The smirk on Morgan's face was too much for him to handle and Liam was super embarrassed. He strummed louder.

Morgan was still smirking when his jaw suddenly dropped at Ethan moaning loud enough they could hear it again, even through Liam's louder guitar playing. 

Liam felt the wall on the headboard behind him move with a bang and he threw himself off of the bed immediately, dropping his guitar on the floor and getting into his robe.

"Oh my god..." Morgan said as he let out a laugh, "...Is he okay?!"

Liam rolled his eyes but tried not laugh and Morgan noticed. Ethan was still being...really loud.

"I'm going to get that water now... You should come too, unless you want to stay in here."

They stood in the kitchen for a while. They could still hear...barely. Morgan and Liam put on the living room TV and laid on the couch together for a while.

When Ethan opened his bedroom door wearing his blanket, he looked completely shocked to see them there. 

"What -- What are you guys doing?" Ethan finally asked. His face looked completely pale but his chest was about as red as his lips were. His hair was a mess. The Christmas lights were still on but the TV lit up most of the room.

"What are you guys doing?! ...Jesus Chris. Are you okay, baby doll?" Morgan asked with laughter in his voice from underneath Liam on the couch. 

Liam looked down and gave Morgan a mean look that lasted about half a second before he looked back at Ethan and burst out in laughter himself. "Seriously, so gross, Ethan... I can't unhear that ever." he teased.

Ethan's face went bright red and he slammed the door hard in front of him.

 ·  ·  ·  ·  ·

Things changed again, as they always do.

Morgan dating him for a month turned into...three years. 

It had been three years already since then, but it still felt like the first time for Liam. They hadn't really talked about it... How long they'd been together. 

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