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A/N: hiii i'm here :) Sorry for not updating on stories but here is this one i made. It's really short compared to the other ones not as good as the others.. but i'll edit it later when i get the time! I also want to give a shoutout to Directioner_6_12 They are the sweetest 🤍 Love you guys!!
tpwk 💗

Hey love, are you ready for bed?" Harry asks. I smile up at him and nod with a little smile nervously. "Alright, i'm gonna go brush my teeth and i'll be back out in a second."

It's not that i don't want to sleep with Harry. I've been having a nightmare every night and it's always the same. Harry ends up leaving me for someone else. I really couldn't imagine my life without him and it scares me because every time the dream happens, it gets more real everytime. I get pulled out of my thoughts by a voice coming out of the bathroom. "You okay?" He asks. I nods at him but i think he could tell it was a lie. "Are you sure?" "Yes Harry. Can we just go to bed please?" He smiles at me and goes to his side of the bed, sliding under the sheets. His chest is up against my back with his arm around my waist. "I love you Y/N." He says in a tired voice. "I love you too Harry."


I sit my head up a bit and check the time.


Shit. Tomorrow is going to suck.

My eye lids are starting to get heavy a little later but i'm still scared to fall asleep. i mean, who wouldn't. The love of my life is basically leaving. Next thing i know i'm drifting off to sleep praying that nothing is going to happen.


I decide to go walk around the park to just take a little breather. Harry said he's at the studio and i had worked a lot recently and needed a little bit of relief. I sit down at a park bench but see someone that i'd recognized. "Harry?" He looks up at me shocked. "Y/N? What are you uh.. doing here?" "I could ask you the same question." I fold my arms. Anger starting to build up. He lied to me. "Okay. I'm not gonna lie to you anymore. I found someone better." i freeze. "What?"

"Read my lips. I Found Someone Better. You barley do anything with me because you are always sleeping or complaining. I got annoyed and went out and found the most beautiful girl that actually does music just like me. So, i'm leaving you." Tears start welling up in my eyes. "I-I thought you loved me. You- How? What?" "I'm sorry Y/N. I lied. I couldn't handle you anymore. I gotta go. She's waiting for me." Tears start falling as i see him walking away. "HARRY! HARRY PLEASE COME BACK."

*End of dream*

Harry's POV:

"Y/N! Please wake up!" She shoots up screaming, tears falling out of her eyes. i wrap my arms around her to try and calm her down from her sobbing whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Once she calms down and only hiccups are coming out, i decide to finally talk. "Love, What happened?" I ask. She keeps her head down and shakes it.


"Please? I want to try and help.." i keep my head down. "Please don't leave me." i whisper. I feel Harry's arms loosen and take that as a message to leave. He grabs my arm and pulls me back. "I would never leave you. Where is this coming from?" I'm hesitant to look up at him to see what his reaction is, but he pulls my head up to look at him anyways.

Harry's POV:

I look at her and smile to show that she can trust me. I wipe the tears off her face even though more is coming. "I've been having a constantly dream thats been going on for like a week. It gets more real every time and i hate sleeping because i know it'll come back." "What's the dream about?" She looks down in her lap. She stays silent "Hey. Baby it's okay, you can tell me." "You leaving me for someone else. y-you said you didn't l-l-love me anymore." I hug her tightly to calm her down again. "I'm sorry, i feel so stupid crying over this." "Babe look at me." She looks up. "You're not stupid, and I promise, cross my heart i won't leave you. You are the love of my life and always will be. I could never get tired of you. I love your goofy self, your sweet side. Everything about you. No matter what happens, you can always come talk to me. I'm always going to be here. I'll try and get some help for the dream. I promise it's not going to last. I love you so much." Tears start falling down my face. I love her more then life itself. "I love you too Harry. Thank you. I'm sorry for bothering you." "Hey, You don't bother me one bit." I smile at her. "Let's try and get some sleep. Okay? If you have another dream i'll wake you up again and help you." "Okay."

Harry and I got help from a therapist and i never got any of those types of dreams again.

the end

This story is so lame- bye 😭

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