hey hey!

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hi guys! it's been a minute :) missed you!
i hope you guys are all doing okay! if not, i'm here if anybody needs anything 🥰

I've been thinking a lot recently and i don't think i'm gonna be able to write for a while bc of everything that's been going on with school and softball. school is REALLY getting hard on me and i've barley had motivation to do anything.

Then, starting May 6th i'm gonna be on 2 softball teams and it's going to be every single day for 6 weeks straight. on top of that, the other team will still be going on after that one is over. if that makes any sense. so i'm going to be exhausted and probably will barley think straight half the time.

In July i will be in summer school, and the next month back to school being a junior. so i don't have any time for really anything until about the end/middle of June.

but that doesn't mean i will 100% be done writing bc i REALLY love writing! whenever i magically have a free day, i'll try and write another story bc i feel bad 😂 alright i think that's it for now. bye guys!

tpwk 💗

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