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 The day of the UA entrance exam arrived and, even though Izuku's been training for a while, and has gotten a lot stronger than he was before the fact, he was still nervous. Which was strange, all things considered. At least to Killua it was. Even when he took the Hunter exam he wasn't nervous. He knew he'd pass, and even when he didn't pass the first time he knew it wasn't attributed to his physicallity, it was his brother's fault for getting him disqualified in the first place. And, again, Killua's worst area of knowledge is social cues. So he doesn't know if he's supposed to comfort Izuku and tell him he'll do fine, or let him be nervous so he'll strategize better, and take all things into account. I didn't have time to decide, because a few seconds later Izuku was rushing me out of the house, yelling about how we were going to be late. He shoved an apple in my face, which I grabbed, and shut the door behind us. He took off running towards the train station and, of course, I had to follow behind him.

We got to the station in record time and quickly got onto the one headed towards UA. Taking our seats, it was easy to see that Izuku was shaking like a leaf. I put my hand on his shoulder, in hopes to ground him somehow, and it actually seems to work better than I expected. His shaking slowed down and instead of mumbling self depricating thoughts, he started mumbling about different strategies and different study material. Thank god. I don't know if I could've handled another internal battle on what to do with myself. We sit in comfortable silence, with the exception of Izuku's muttering, until we get to the stop. ~~~Once we're walking the rest of the way, Izuku starts talking about how excited he is. I'm just glad he can focus on another emotion that's not nervousness. He says that this will be an adventure, and starts asking questions that any kid would ask going to a new school. "Will they like me?, Will I embarrass myself? What if I don't pass? Will Kacchan be there?", y'know. The normal stuff. After awhile, we get to the outside of the school, and, to their credit, it was bigger than I expected. The school towered over all of the students, which gave it an intimidation factor to add to the already growing nervousness of all of the people who were there. I look at Izuku and watch as he takes a few steps foward, and immediatly trips over a crack in the concrete. I rush to try and help him but before I can get over there, a brown-haired girl smacks him, causing him to float off the ground. That quirk is interesting, and when Izuku gets over the initial embarrassment, he's sure to ask plenty of questions about it. Looking out at the crowd, he can't help but notice something strange about the other kids. They don't have aura nodes. They're aura seems to be nonexistent. Which is strange because Izuku's aura nodes were very prominent. Either way, Izuku said that the principal was smart, so maybe at some point he'd have to bring that up to him and ask what he thinks the reason is. ~~After some time, the students were let into the building to take the written portion of the exam. Killua and Izuku were in different rooms, which was probably for the best honestly. Killua had a fairly easy time with everything outside of the stuff that was particular to this universe. Quirk history and history in general. Luckily, Izuku helped him a little bit before the test and the mutterstorm he had on the train provided for good information aswell. He wouldn't say he finished fast, all things considered there's a lot of time alloted to take the test, and the harshness of the test wasn't really anything near what his tutor in his universe forced him to go through. His parents wanted not only a heir that could beat an opponent in strength, but wanted one that could outwit and outsmart an opponent too. Which is something he can appriciate, despite the harshness of the course. And it was helping him now, so he couldn't really be mad. He finished the test 2 hours in, and walked up to the proctor and handed in his test. Walking out of the door, he figured he had about an hour left before he actually needed to be in the auditorium, so he went around looking for the principals office. Not expecting much but a general idea on where it is. After walking around for a good 20 minutes or so, he came to a door that had a plaque that said "Principal Nezu" hanging above it, so he figured that was where he wanted to be. Just for fun, he poked his head in, but instead of seeing a person. He saw an animal. Well, it's probably not the weirdest thing he's ever seen. He trys to back out but, in a dangerously cheery voice, he gets called back in.

"Am I a dog? A mouse? A bear? I'm Principal Nezu!" 


If a chapter hasn't been edited yet, it most likely will confuse the story in the future. So be cautious. Thank you for reading (or re-reading) 

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