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As I approach Alluka, I see a pout on her face. I tilt my head in question at her and she just deepens her pout.

"What's wrong Alluka?" 

"Killua you're going to hard on them! If I know you're going to win it's not fun to watch." 

She pouts again. It's weird to see her act like I remember despite her being older now. 

"Sorry Alluka, I could always drop out of the competition?" 

She tilts her head, "If you don't want to then you don't have too I just... I feel bad for everyone else." 

I nod. "Okay, I'll leave in my first match, then everyone else has a fighting chance." 

I see Alluka sigh and nod. "If you're sure it's okay with you." 

I smile sweetly at my old-younger sister. "Don't worry about it Alluka, the only reason I was trying to win was because I wanted to make you happy, if it's doing the opposite, then I'll just stop trying to win." 

I look at the brackets, "My first match is against Hatsume Mei anyways, I'm sure she wants to show off her gadgets." 

Alluka smiles, obviously reassured now. 

We say our goodbyes while I go to find Hatsume. 

When I meet up with her, she smiles. "Hey there enemy!" 

I smile back at her, and start telling her my plan to leave the competition during this round. She looks increasingly giddy while I keep talking. 

"Great! I'm gonna give you some gadgets to show off! Then I might be able to convince the next person I fight to do the same. So much exposure for my babies!" She shakes my shoulders and her eyes look dazed. Like she's thinking about some far away future.

I clear my throat and push her hands off of me. "Yeah, great. I'll see you during the match then." 

She nods, still not all there, while I walk away.


After the whole schtick where I leave the fighting ring, I can hear people in the crowd and in the tunnels getting angry at me for leaving. Saying that I ruined the whole event and that I should have gotten out in an earlier round in order to make room for someone who actually deserved to be in the finals. 

Whatever, honestly, I'm just doing this for Alluka. After the apparent years we've been apart, I need to make up for all the times I wasn't there with her. 

While I make my way through the tunnels, I get the meanest side eye from Todoroki. Okay, damn. I thought we were at least civil with each other. 

Bakugo on the other hand, straight up yells in my face. Calling me a coward and listing all of the reasons he's obviously better than me. He didn't even lose and he's still salty, is he never happy? 

I sigh as I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, literally. Izuku tried to talk to me but he was cut short by his round being next, against Shinso, apparently. I can't tell if the teachers put kids who we're on the same team against each other on purpose or not. Either way, it's a bit more cruel than I expected from UA. 

I make my way to the stands and take my seat next to Alluka, her pout replaced by a smile as she watches the matches. Calling the matches a lot more exciting now. A bit of a shot to my pride but I get it. 

The rest of the matches are probably exciting to the untrained eye, but it's pretty easy to tell who's going to win when they walk into the ring. Uraraka almost pulls a fast one on Bakugo, but he still manages to pull off the victory. It doesn't matter though, because Alluka's obviously excited at the matches, and that's all that matters. 

Bakugo ends up winning, woopdee fucking doo, and Izuku gets third, right next to that Todoroki kid who pulled his fire out of nowhere and turned the tables. 

What a lame ending to a competition that had so much potential. Part of me wishes that Shinso kid had a shot at victory, but considering his quirk would be extremely televised, even more than it already has been, maybe that's not the best idea. 

While All Might congratulates the winners, Midoriya's eyes find me in the crowd and his face lights up as he waves to me. I smile back and send him a small wave, I hear Alluka from my right clear her throat and I look over at her.


"Who's that? A friend?" 

I nod, "Yeah, his name is Izuku, I met him around the same time I got to this world." 

She smiles, "I'm glad. I was afraid you spent all your time looking for me and reverted back into closed off Killua. I don't like closed off Killua." 

I huff and smile at her. "Then closed off Killua won't come back." 

She smiles bright at me and we stand to start leaving the bleachers, wanting to avoid the crowd that will come when All Might leaves the field. 

As we make our way out, Alluka frowns, "I wish I could meet your friends, but I'm all tuckered out." 

Once again I'm reminded of the harsh reality. That Alluka isn't as energetic as she used to be because she's not as young as she was when I last saw her. 

I nod, "Don't worry about it, you'll get more chances I'm sure." 

She smiles one more tired smile before making her way into the pre-paid car and waving at me through the window. 

As I'm waving back at her, I hear footsteps behind me, and I figure it's Izuku coming to talk to me but I'm surprised to see Aizawa standing next to me. 

"Family?" I hear his muffled voice through the bandages, and nod. 

"Yeah, my sister." I respond, not considering the implications.

"Sister? She looks a bit old to be your sister." Well damn, he doesn't pull any punches does he.

I sigh, "Yeah, well, some circumstances put a big gap between us in age." 

I hear him hum, probably assuming it was by a quirk or something.

"Did you need anything else?" I ask, already thinking that the man was acting out of character. 

He clears his throat. "Hizashi wanted me to invite you to dinner, as a thank you for what you did back at the USJ." 

I hum, thinking about it for a moment. "Okay, as long as the foods good I don't see why not." 

I can hear Aizawa let out a sigh, whether it was from relief or annoyance I don't know. 

"Alright, I'll tell Hizashi, any day works fine for you I'm guessing." 

I get a bit offended at that, "Rude, how do you know I'm not extremely busy or something." 

Aizawa deadpans at me through his bandages and I sigh. 

"Yes, any day works for me." 

"Good, Thursday at this address then, I think some other teachers are coming too, hope that's okay with you." 

I return his deadpan stare as I sense the smugness in his voice. "What?" 

"All the people who were involved in the USJ are coming, most of the teachers were against bringing any students, by Hizashi insisted that you were included. Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, now that I think about it, Nezu agreed." 

I sigh and deflate. "Whatever, not much I can do now, since Mic seems to have vouched for me. 

I see Aizawa's eyes get narrower, this asshole is grinning. "Alright, see you later kid." He walks---waddles, he waddles away, and Izuku makes his way over to me. 

"Was that Mr.Aizawa? What did he want?" 

I sigh, "He wanted to tell me that he was disappointed in how I gave up in the final rounds of the competition." I turn towards him, "anyways, third place huh? That's exciting." 

He smiles and jumps up and down, "I got to talk to All Might too, he was....." Izuku starts one of his rambling sessions and I smile. It had been a good day. 

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