Chapter 1

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The building I entered was gigantic, my old school had been a small shack compared to this, perched on the end of an abondened street, in a quite village ...but who said that a quiet school couldn't have been the best inside?, all I did was hung out with mates, did homework, got detention...the usual.

Until my mum came home one day reminding me that she got offered a new job in the city. It was the hardest leaving my friends, having to move on, but here I am about to enter another school, except this one is only just triple the size of my old school, in a city where cars never have bed times and where people actually make an effort to get ready for school.

Don't judge, I do make an effort just not as much, I like to keep everything to a limit.

I pulled my backpack back over my shoulder and entered via the reception, I had no idea where I was going so I just took the first guess and headed over to a lady with dark red hair.

'Ermm, excuse me, I'm new here and I...'

I had not even finished my sentance when she exclaimed in a feirce voice

'Kelsey?...Locker 124, here are your time table and books, go straight and turn right you'll find your homeroom'

I was shocked at her vile tone and hurridley took the time table and many books, muttering a quick thank you under my breath though she didn't deserve it.

I had no idea where my locker was and my bag weighed a ton, I mean seriously is it really neccesary to have that many?!.

Luckily, following her instructions, I found my self entering a large classroom filled with girls and boys my age, a man with blonde hair and an extremley big body was stood at the front reading something at his desk. He looked up at me as I entered and everyone went pin drop silent. Talk about awkward!

'Ahh, the new kid eh? Everyone this is Kelsey, Kelsey this is everyone'!

He had a strong accent and I could tell he was a joker. I smiled at the class quicky and turned back to him

'Take a seat anywhere you want, just not near Ry or you'll be infested with measels'

The class erupted in laughter and I smiled awkwardly and took a seat at the back near a friendly looking girl.

'Hey!' The girl smiled 'I'm laura by the way, officially the most amazing person in theee class!' She laughed loudly.

From the moment I met her I knew that I had gotten my self a good friend, bubbly, funny and crazy, but oh well!

All that mattered right now was that I fit in and simply enjoy, but that would be hard cause school is practically just one thing that is imposible to enjoy!

But who knows what the future holds for me....

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