𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢. when the tough gets going

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"What's wrong, auntie Maisie?" Teddy questioned the girl, cocking his little head to the side innocently waiting for an answer

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"What's wrong, auntie Maisie?" Teddy questioned the girl, cocking his little head to the side innocently waiting for an answer. "Are you okay? You look really sad."

"Nothing Ted." His auntie lied straight through her teeth to him. "Happy as Larry, I am." She continued, forcing an even larger grin on her face.

Low and behold, she was sad. She was sad that she had in fact let Scott go once more and again over something so small and stupid. It didn't help he had been blowing up her phone all day, with being unsure of what he actually wanted, she decided that maybe somethings were left better unsaid.

Especially in these circumstances.

"You don't have to lie, I saw a tear earlier." The child then frowned at her. "When I'm sad, daddy always tells me to turn my frown upside down." He chimed, now receiving a more real looking smile from his auntie.

It truly was amazing how even Teddy could see straight through her too.

"I think it's working." Maisie giggled, opening her arms to give the little boy a hug. "Come here, cheeky chops."

"See, it works." Teddy said, as the duo laughed in unison. The giggles only erupting into something more with him being tickled to death by his auntie. Sometimes laughter was really the best medicine.

It was soon cut short before Maisie's phone went off with another incoming call from Scott, which she was more than quick to decline to get his name off her phone as quick as she possibly could.

"Aren't you going to answer your phone?" The boy said, who seemed to be full of questions for her today, one coming straight after another. "Someone's trying to talk to you."

"They'll call back if it's important, won't they?" She tried to reason with the boy, for once he had seemed to have taken this as his answer. "So, what would you like to do today then? Fancy a walk down the park?"

"Daddy said the football was on today, can we watch that instead please?" Teddy asked, despite having a face nobody could ever say no to, she knew her heart would instantly sink having to see Scott on the big screen. "Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"The Celtic game?" Maisie questioned, hoping that this would be the correct answer.

"United." He smirked widely, only toughening the situation even more for the girl.

The Manchester United squad had another big and important game - being played away from home, meaning another jarring and long bus run - where the boy's heads should've been in for the game

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The Manchester United squad had another big and important game - being played away from home, meaning another jarring and long bus run - where the boy's heads should've been in for the game. Although some were a floating above, going back to that one girl.


"You are seriously not away to try and call her again, it's blandly obvious that she isn't going to answer if she's been ignoring you for the last two and a half hours." Daniel said, trying to take Scott's mind off of Maisie for just one second. "I'm sure we'll find another way to win her round eventually."

"I'm not giving into this until I can actually get through to Mais." The footballer didn't seem to not want to back down, giving the situation all his determination. "This might be one mad goose chase but it will certainly be worth it."

"Come on, five minutes away from that blimming phone of yours." His best friend advised with an attempt to remove his mobile phone away from his hand which only tightened Scott's grip, confirming for sure that he wouldn't be giving up anytime soon. "You've got the game to think about, which is way more important than a girl who doesn't give you the time or day anymore."

"Well, equally they are both as important." Scott shrugged, with Daniel's words going in one ear and straight out of the other. "If anything, Maisie's more of a priority to me just now."

"Don't let the gaffer hear you say that." Marcus Rashford chimed in, sitting a seat behind the two boys. "I'm being serious, you'll be dropped immediately." He continued, receiving a few glares from the boys giving him the look as if to say 'shut up'. "Just speaking from experience."

"See, do you want to get dropped from the game?" The Welsh International still pleaded with him to get his mind off of her. "You've been playing great recently too, why let all this to go waste over one silly situationship."

"Again, Mais is worth it." He continued, hardly taking in a word of advice from the boys. "Now shush, I'm trying again." Scott sternly warned as he adjusted his airpod to try and call her once again. A sudden feeling of realisation hitting him that maybe Maisie would probably not answer him.

"Another failed call?" Daniel questioned, cocking his head to indeed see the phone call ring out for what felt the hundredth time. "Maybe it's time you came back to earth and actually focused on the game, yeah?"

"If she can snub that many phone calls, she's not going to be able to snub me when I surprise her at her door, is she?" A bright idea began to spark in Scott's head, maybe not the worst one he's ever had.

"She locks you out and doesn't bother answering the door?" His best friend seemed to tear apart his masterplan just like that. "Your ideas sometimes are absolutely insane."

"If it works, it works." Scott shrugged, now off to think his plan through perfectly and how he was going to achieve this. "International break has saved my ass once again."

only three more chapters of this to go before this book is finally finished, can you believe it?! i'm hoping to get this done within the next couple of weeks so i can go back and solely focus on my other books <33

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only three more chapters of this to go before this book is finally finished, can you believe it?! i'm hoping to get this done within the next couple of weeks so i can go back and solely focus on my other books <33

all my love, b x

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭 𝐦𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐲Where stories live. Discover now