𝐢𝐢𝐢. yes sir, i can boogie

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With what seemed like hours, with multiple hair styles and outfits changes, the group of three girls were finally up and out as they explored the streets of Glasgow's nightlife.

Only a few hours in, it was clear that Maisie was becoming increasingly bored with each time they hopped bars and clubs just to drink the same exact drink as the previous stop. Despite having a few down her, the girl somehow still had her wits about her.

"Can we go somewhere different or do something different?" Maisie whined at her friends, over the pounding club music. "At this point, I'm just comparing the prices of a glass of wine or champagne."

"But I love this song!" A drunken Callie screamed at the top of her lungs, as she attempted to dance. It was clear she wasn't becoming the latest member of Diversity anytime soon.

"Well, I'll just be getting off now." The business student shrugged as she reached to grab her clutch bag from the seat next to her.

"Oh, come on." Ebony butted in to try persuade her best friend to stay. "There's that new karaoke bar open, it's just round the corner from here." She perked up. "You love karaoke, Mais."

"It's different being ten years old on a caravan holiday." She immediately didn't seem taken by the idea. "No bloody chance."

"But karaoke is funnnn!" The drunkest of the pair slurred, as she made puppy dog eyes at the reluctant girl. "Please, can we go?"

"If it shuts you pair up then let's go." It didn't take much convincing for Maisie before the girls were on their way to the newly opened karaoke bar.

Within ten minutes, the girls had made it to their destination. Maisie already hated it, covering her ears of two older men butchering Madness' 'It Must Be Love'.

"We have got to be the youngest people here." Maisie shook her head, looking around the place. "There's no chance I'm staying."

"Give it a chance, we'll go get drinks and you go get us a seat." Ebony ordered, which was exactly did.

The girl was sat waiting ages before the girls had finally returned with only two drinks between them, leaving Maisie puzzled.

"Where's my-?" The girl started before immediately being cut off by a now heavily intoxicated Callie.

"We ran into these really hot boys, I think they're like rugby players or golfers or something, sporty!" She slurred, before sipping her drink, as four boys followed behind them.

"Footballers." Ebony corrected her. "We said they could sit with us. The tall blonde one bought us a bottle of champagne!" As one of the boys peeped out from the back.

"Great." Maisie forced a smile, with the extended group sitting around her and the tall blonde boy sitting on her side.

"I take it this really isn't your scene?" He questioned, instantly telling her by her face as he poured a glass of champagne.

"No, neither is picking up a random bunch of footballers at a bar." She chuckled, taking a sip
from the glass. "That's if you are even footballers."

"We are, decided to have a few drinks to finish off our international break." Scott nodded. "I'm Scott by the way."

"And I'm Maisie." She smiled. "I take it this isn't your scene either?"

"Not really, it looks like I'll be taking care of Robbo tonight so." Scott pointed across the table to the darker haired lad who had exceeded on his drinks too. "If I hear It Must Be Love once more, I'll crack." He chuckled.

"I reckon you should go up and sing something." Maisie jokingly suggested, already finishing the glass of champagne and was now pouring another

"Last time I sang was on one of those caravan holidays at those entertainment thing, no chance." Scott chuckled, shaking his head.

"Skegness were the days." She nodded in agreement with him. "Karaoke isn't a favourite of mine either." Before the pair's conversation was interrupted once more by Callie.

"Me and Robbie are going to sing, one of you record it!" She chirped up, racing Andy Robertson up to the stage.

"Great start, she can't even get his name right." Scott sniggered at the drunken girl. "Never mind them away to belt out a song."

"That's the drunkest I've ever seen her, it won't go well." Maisie nodded her head in agreement with her new friend. "I might need some more of this to drown the sound out."

"I'll go get us another bottle." The footballer offered, when the beginning of Elton John and Kiki Dee's 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart' began to play.

"This is painful." Scott shook his head, with the drunken duo now onto their third song of the night. "How many more bottles of this do we need?"

"Can someone make it stop?" Ebony butted into the conversation. "I don't know how but please." She covered her ears at the failed high notes.

"I love Robbo but I hope he never hangs up his boots for X Factor." Kieran Tierney chuckled, shaking his head at his captain for his country. "Scotty, go up and sing. That'll get them off." He suggested.

"Well come with me then." Scott was hesitant but desperate to hear the end of Callie and Andy. "I am not going up there myself."

"Am I hell!" The ex Celtic man refused before pointing to Maisie. "Get your girl to go up with you."

"No chance, I can feel myself loosing control." She shook her head, in regret of drinking so much alcohol in one night. Her mind soon changed with Scott repeatedly mouthing "please" at her.

"What song?" She asked in a panic, with them being up next. "I'm going away home after this embarrassment.

"I think I'll be joining you. Only difference is I'm stuck in the hotel room." He chuckled. "Yes Sir, I Can Boogie. It's been stuck in my head all week long."

"I can agree to that." Maisie nodded in agreement with him. "You're welcome to come past mine if that's better than a hotel room." She kindly offered, with Scott smiling in return, before it was their turn.


an early update bc its valentines day but i'll still be updating tomorrow as usual too! here's a proper kick to the story.

have you guys got a valentine or received anything for valentines?

deffo not, got a valentines message from a boy i have no interest in (this could be good for a rant book actually) and it was mega awkward. either two or three years ago he asked me out lmao and he's still trying.

i also found out a boy i had a thing with a while back (it's been on and off, idk how to feel) has now got a girlfriend so good for him!

all my love, b x

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭 𝐦𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐲Where stories live. Discover now