Chapter 2

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Hazel and Amelia were sitting together at lunch like they always did. And like usual Amelia had her nose buried in her book. Not that Hazel really minded
As they were eating Tara passed by. Hazel noticed Tara and stopped her by asking:
"Hey Tara. Would you like to join us for lunch?"
Tara stopped and answered.
"I wish, but my older sister promised our mum that SHE would come home for lunch and she's dragging me along even though I made no such promise"
Just as Tara finished a girl who looked quite a bit like her except she had light brown hair worn in a bob hairstyle and green eyes and was slightly taller came up behind Tara and said:
"C'mon Tara I promised mum that both of us would come home for lunch"
"Kate. Could you do me a favour and SHUT UP! You've been annoying me since we left our old home"
"Maybe you should shut up if you want me to shut up"
Tara and Kate walked away arguing about who should shut up
"That was weird" Amelia said to Hazel finally taking her nose out of her book and pushing her glasses back up her nose
"I guess" Hazel said in reply "hey, have you gotten the book that you've been dying to get, yet?"
"No my parents wouldn't lend me any money because I got a C+ on one of my tests. They PROMISED to lend me some money no matter what! Don't they realize that Blood of Olympus is the last ever Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus book ever. EVER!" Amelia replied kinda dramatically
"Ok, ok. Calm down. I'll lend you the money if that book means that much to you"
"Thank you, Hazel. You're a life saver!"
Just as the conversation ended Hazel noticed Hailey standing there.
"Hi Hailey"
"Hi. Can I sit with you guys? The cafeteria is full and I don't know anybody else. Except my 'brother' but I can't find him anywhere" Hailey said making quotation marks as she said the word brother
"Of course you can" Hazel replied
"Thanks" Hailey said while sitting down.
As Hailey sat down she and Hazel accidentally made eye contact and couldn't stop staring. When they looked into each other's eyes it felt as though they were looking in a mirror.
"Uh, guys? Hellooo. Anyone home?" Amelia said waving her hand in front of their faces.
"Huh? Oh sorry" Hailey and Hazel both said at the exact same time.
"Wait. Did we just speak at the same time?" They said at the exact same time, again.
"Ok. We need stop that" they said at the exact same time, again.
"Ok. This is getting kinda creepy for me so I'm just gonna go back to re-reading Deathly Hallows" Amelia said sticking her nose back into her book as her glasses fell down her nose again.

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