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So basically jin and y/n were going the opposite way in the crowd and they made it to the back of the school and y/n see jin limping and bleeding a lot

Y/n: do you need help

y/n tried to come closer to help jin

Jin: no I'm good j-j-ju-st foll-ow m-me okay

Y/n: bu- okay

After walking and Jin almost dying they made it to a dark broken house jin opened the door the inside of the housing shock y/n it was so pretty and soft.

Jin: yeah I know look horrible on the outside but pretty on the inside

y/n: wow

Follow Jin saw him go to the kitchen took his shirt off and took a medkit and was applying medicine on his bloody spot.

y/n: are you okay

Jin: it not that bad it just a cut from a bullet lucky I step away a little bit if I didn't I would have had a bleed out or just straight up die

y/n just stay there shocked

y/n: what is all that about how did it happen in the first place

jin: uggh it all started like this

2 hours ago

no one pov

Jin was going to the closed classroom that no one ever goes to just to take a break and then Jin heard a loud bump like someone got push trip while coming up here so Jin walk closer to the sound like someone getting beat up it was the abandoned classroom Jin was about to open the door when Jin saw blood coming out from below and heard so talk.

??: where is the information why want you tell us

??: because there my friends and I am not telling their information so get away from me

??: awww what you going to do about it

then the door got open seeing three people

??: shit

How because Jin freak out in text the first person he saw in the text message and that would be JB and Jb brought bambam with him he saw Yougyeom beat up once again, to be honest, Yougyeom is like the best fighter but jin and the rest of the member don't understand why he doesn't fight back.

JB: Suho give it up

Suho: hell no bitch never going to

Jin: we can make this the easy way or the hard way look behind and he pointing at the Exo member then Exo members got tricked except for Chanyeol he was too lazy to look back and didn't' care saw jin and them carry Yougyeom out he just waited until the members realize they got tricked. Then that when the Exo member realize.

Baekhyun: fuck we got tricked

they ran out after the shooting in the hallway and Jin almost got shot they separated and jin went to the bathroom saw y/n that when everything happened.

y/n pov

y/n mind: just great why on the second day of school all should've happened at least in a month or two

Jin: y/n is you listen to me

y/n went back to reality

Y/n: w-what h-huh

Jin shook his head

Jin: look and listen okay


Jin: so have you ever heard what mafia is

Y/n: yep why

Jin: heard of Bts and Got7

Y/n: Ohh Got7 are Bts friends and Bts are look the most dangerous group that no one should mess with some people name there self after them so people can be scared of then no one ever saw what they look like.

Jin: yes that smart but people have seen them they just in the shadow of the crowd

Y/n: so why are you telling me this

jin: Because you saw them and your talking to one of the members right now

y/n look at jin and said

y/n: okay

jin: okay that all it gets

y/n: yeah you said I'm talking to a mafia- OH SHIT IM TALKING TO A MAFIA OHH SHIT I DIDNT REALIZE THAT

it finally got into y/n head

jin: so it finally came huh

y/n: I have a question

jin: what the question

jin said looking at y/n

y/n: Do y-

okay stop it right there because I can't think of a question okay I don't know if it please help me with which question it should be 

ALSO PLZ TELL ME IF I MADE A MISTAKE OR MESS UP A WORD also vote and comment if you want to hehehe 


ohh also if some of you guys read my mermaid story 'im sorry for putting it in it away i'm rewriting it because i was young and stupid and couldn't spell to save my life and still can't spell what a sad life 

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