Chapter 3

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Abby's POV:

As we got out of the car, I realized that I didn't even know his name but I knew it would be kind of akward to ask right in front of his mom. Our eyes met and we had a silent agreement not to give away the fact that we had just met. He whispered to me, You are here to see Barry Styles! Get it?

With that, he turned to his mother saying, "Hi mom The Big C! Calvillo Mamma!"

I took this a cue and greeted her with a big smile and "Hi Mrs. Calvillo!" 

"And who might you be?" she replied, not rudely but not nicely either.

"I'm Abby, a friend of your son. We kinda bumped into each other at the mall and he wanted to show me Barry Styles. Is that like a fan thing or ...?"

"-Its his stuffed animal.. Don't ask. I don't understand him either. Okay... well if thats all your going to be doing, hint hint (yes she actually said hint hint), then I supposed you are welcome to do so. I'll be on the couch if usual. If you need anything, get it yourself. " She said.  Then, she turned around and left; apparently not seing the small dent in the car or the scratches on my legs and the dried blood on my temple.

"Thank you Ms. Calvillo!" I yelled after her. She didn't notice.

I followed the boy into his house, up the stairs, and down the hall to his room; not daring to ask his name yet. 

Sorry for not updating for a while. I have been buisy.  Schools a nutterbutter (Its not a cussword so to me, its fine!) 

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