Chapter 18

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Izuku was forced to watch helplessly as slowly, all his classmates, the visible ones on the cameras at least, were herded into a general repair room. Kacchan , Jirou, and the other few students who had disappeared completely over the course of the failed ambush were still unaccounted for. Ishi cackled as he leaned away from the security screens, turning and striding over to Denki once more.

"Ah, this is going to be so fun! I can't wait to see their reactions to my precious creation!" A button on the hand held remote was pressed, and Denki awoke once more. Luminescent eyes trailed over to their masters blue ones, watching silently as the diabolical mastermind paced the room excitedly, all the while rambling about how perfect his plan had gone.

"Just think! Their precious friend and student, turned into a machine who's sole purpose is murder! I'm going to enjoy watching as their terrified faces get mutilated and ripped apart by my lovely creations!"

Izuku's eyes trailed the feet if the scientist as he paced, u til they were out of view.

"But of course, we'd need everybody,"

A low chuckle resounded as Ishi's face appeared in front of Izuku's, a hand already stretching towards him.

Aizawa was finally allowed a bit of relief as he saw his students faces, however concern quickly washed over when he noticed how many were missing. Before he could voice his thoughts, a door behind him opened and the malicious face of someone he once loved came through the door, dragging his student by the collar. His jaw tightened and his eyes hardened as his eyes met his brothers.

"Why hello there, brother dearest! Did you miss me? I missed you! I missed you so much that I just had to find a way to get you to me!" Ishi grinned, releasing Izuku, who scrambled over to his classmates sides.

"Where are the rest of my students?" Aizawa said sharply, cutting of Ishi, who had opened his mouth to speak again. The mans grin simply widened as he stepped closer.

"They're alive, but that's as good as they've got it!" Nausea washed over the group as Ishi reached into his pocket and pulled out a dismembered jack.


"But, that's not why I've brought you here! I have someone I want you to meet. Behold, you classmate, but new and improved!" From the shadows, their animated classmate emerged, the other animatronics just behind him. They all had blood staining their metal, vacant, glowing eyes looking over them. A sob was heard from the human group, all bodies tense and wary.

"What, not cool enough for you? Here, how about a demonstration!" The click of a button was heard.

Denki lunged towards them.

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