Chapter 16 - An Elf's History and the Freedom Legion

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"Ezekiel," mumbled Rina, who then smiled at Ezekiel with the word "friend" echoing in her mind. Rina then nervously looked over at the others, who were enjoying themselves outside of the carriage. Rina was now being healed by Aqua, on the orders of Ezekiel. Ezekiel noticed that she was rather worried, so in order to cheer her up, he said, "The others will most likely forgive you as well. Bear is pretty forgiving, but if Tokuda can forgive you, then anyone can." Tokuda then looked at Ezekiel, saying, "Don't paint me as some demon now, Ezekiel! I'm not a heartless bastard!" Ezekiel laughed and said, "Of course not, you're obviously a human. Plus, if you really were a demon, she probably wouldn't be standing here," to which Ezekiel pointed at Rina. Tokuda then said, "That's because you stopped me from killing her." Tokuda then turned towards Rina and said, "Listen, elf. I don't trust people as easily as Ezekiel here. I don't trust you, and if you do anything even remotely suspicious, I won't hesitate to kill you where you stand. If Ezekiel wants to bring you on, that's fine, but you better show your loyalty and do your share of the work when it comes down to it. Earn my trust, and maybe I won't have the need to be wary of you anymore." Rina said nothing, but she silently nodded. Rina noticed that her wound was now healed fully by Aqua, and she moved her shoulder to see how it was. To her surprise, it no longer hurt, and Rina smiled at Aqua. Aqua smiled back, happy to see that she could be of service. Rina stood up and slowly approached Bear, who towered over Rina, intimidating her a slight bit. Rina nervously looked down, saying, "U-Um, I'm sorry about the arrow. Are you okay?" Bear looked at his shoulder, which was basically fully healed, chuckled, then said, "I'm doing just fine! Taking that arrow was like getting pinched. Plus, we've got a 5-star healer who did a damn good job." Aqua blushed at Bear's compliments, silently stammering, "I-I didn't do much! P-Please, i-it was nothing!"

Rina then turned towards everyone, saying, "I'm sorry for all the trouble that I've caused you all! I hope that by being here with you all, I, Rina Magmoria of the Wooden Elves tribe, can make it up to everyone at some point." Suko's nose began bleeding as he said, "Then I know just the way that you can make it up to me, Rina! Come here real quick!" His fingers began moving in a perverted manner as he began reaching for Rina, but Kairi stopped him before he could do anything by slapping him across the face, sending him flying a few feet. Kairi then looked at Rina, saying, "Never do anything that perverted asshole tells you to do." Rina stared at Kairi with admiration, then smiled, saying, "Okay!"

Bear then spoke up, asking, "To me, you don't seem like someone who would be an assassin. How are you so good at it, Rina?" Rina answered, "Elves are usually pretty light on their feet. My kind is quick, and we're naturally good with things such as bows and knives. We also know how to blend ourselves into nature rather well since we grow up in it." Rina thought to herself for a moment, then said, "I also use self-enhancement magic." Ezekiel asked, "Self-enhancement magic?" Rina explained, saying, "It's like buff magic, but enhancement magic focuses on improving a certain area of your body. I could enhance my eyes to have sharper vision, enhance my nose to be more sensitive to smells, things of that nature. It's a little hard to learn and control, but a good amount of elves such as myself can do it with ease since we've got time on our side." Enhancement magic, huh? Might not be a bad idea to learn it, thought Ezekiel. Ezekiel asked, "Was that why various parts of your body were glowing red?" Rina nodded, saying, "Yep! That's exactly why!" Bear then asked, "Even if that's the case, I couldn't smell you at all. It's almost impossible to hide your scent from someone with a nose as good as mine, so how'd you do it?" Rina answered, "If I smell like nature, nothing will seem out of the ordinary. I just rub leaves, dirt, and other things found in nature on myself to give off a smell that you would expect to find out here. It's a common tactic used when my kind goes hunting." Ezekiel nodded, knowing that there was truth to what she said. Bear laughed then said, "I take back what I said. You do seem like quite the formidable assassin!"

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