First Date

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Spencer stood looking at himself in his mirror, running a hand through his hair. It had been a few weeks since he and Derek had admitted to being attracted to each other. Nothing had changed in their behavior, at least they hoped, since they weren't ready to tell the team yet. Thankfully for them, it was normal for Derek to give Spencer a ride to work so he didn't have to take the train everyday, and take lunch together, if they were still in the office doing paperwork.

Today though was going to be different. Tonight was their first date.

Deciding he couldn't really do anything more with his hair, Spencer sighed and grabbed his jacket before making his way out to the living room to wait for Derek. He couldn't help but let his mind recall the memory that led to all of this.

It was Wednesday, thankfully a paperwork day, and the two agents had gone to their favorite place for lunch. As they both were finishing, Derek cleared his throat and looked at Spencer.

"So, there's something I've been meaning to ask you," he began.

Spencer licked his lips and nodded, giving Derek his full attention. "What is it?"

"Are you free this Friday?"

Spencer furrowed his brow as he thought it over and nodded. "Unless we're called out on a case, I am. Why? What's up?"

"I was hoping I could take you out somewhere," Derek replied.

"Aren't we out somewhere now?" Spencer had asked, confused.

Derek bit his lip and shook his head. "Pretty Boy, I wanna take you out on a date."

Spencer's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "A date?" he asked, voice squeaking slightly.

"Yeah, a date," Derek confirmed. "Is that okay?"

Spencer quickly nodded. "Yeah, yeah, that would be great."

Derek grinned in response. "Cool. I have something in mind, I'm just hoping it doesn't suck."

Spencer smiled. "Whatever it is, I'm sure I'm going to enjoy it."

"Good," Derek said as he paid for both of their meals. "Be sure to dress comfortably."

Spencer was pulled from his thoughts when there was a knock at the door. He looked down at himself, dressed in a worn pair of slacks, a Caltech t-shirt that was covered by his favorite dark grey sweater, and his converse. "Hopefully this isn't horrible," he mumbled as he stood.

"Coming," he yelled out after another knock. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

There stood Derek in black jeans, a plain red t-shirt, and his leather jacket. "I've never seen you look so dressed down, Pretty Boy," he commented with a grin.

Spencer grinned in response and blushed slightly. "I hope this is okay, I never really know what people mean when they say dress comfortably."

"Well, it's perfect," Derek said as he leaned over and gave Spencer a small kiss, causing the younger man to blush a little harder. "Ready to go?"

Spencer nodded as he grabbed his satchel and stepped into the hallway, closing and locking the door behind him, then turned to Derek. "You haven't mentioned what we're doing."

Derek smiled and hesitated before grabbing Spencer's hand. "It's a surprise."

Spencer squeezed Derek's hand reassuringly. "Don't be so nervous," he teased.

"Can't help it," Derek replied as they made their way out of Spencer's apartment building and towards Derek's car. "It's you."

The drive was filled with laughter and music, both of the agents feeling completely comfortable. Derek would steal a look at Spencer's smile and the excitement in his eyes as he rambled on about whatever musician had come up on the radio.

As the road turned into a long road, suddenly passing by farms and trees, Spencer had turned to Derek with a confused stare. "Can you tell me where we're going now?"

Derek grinned as he pulled the car over and turned it off. "Yeah, since we're finally here," he replied with a grin and climbed out of the car, Spencer quickly following him.

As Spencer looked around, he was confused as he only saw hills and cottages. "I still don't get it," he admitted looking back at Derek.

Derek rolled his eyes and walked around the front of the car, grabbing Spencer's hand and dragging him towards one of the hills. "Come with me."

Spencer was silent as they made their way up the hill, thankfully not too steep. When they got to the top, he was surprised to see a large throw blanket and a pile of pillows sitting on the ground.

Derek sat down, pulling on Spencer's arm so he would sit next to him. Spencer immediately complied.

"See that dark, red cottage over there?" Derek asked, pointing towards the building that wasn't too far away.

Spencer followed his arm and nodded.

"That's one of my properties, one I like to keep to myself," Derek explained. "That way after a long week or a hard case, I can come out here and be at peace."

"I didn't know you had anything out here," Spencer admitted, looking back at Derek.

"It's a secret," Derek said as he moved himself closer to Spencer so that they were sitting shoulder to shoulder. "Garcia doesn't even know about it." Spencer raised an eyebrow and Derek snorted. "She may know it exists, but she doesn't know I use it."

Spencer smiled and instinctively leaned against Derek. "Thank you for sharing it with me."

Derek wrapped an arm around Spencer, pulling him in a little closer, embracing the fact that Spencer was so comfortable around him.

"There's another reason I brought you out here," Derek said with a smirk.

"What's that?"

"Look up."

Spencer furrowed his brow before looking up and gasped. "I've never seen it like this," Spencer whispered. "I've spent so much time in cities, it's always bright, and observatories never show you anything like this."

Derek grinned and kissed Spencer on the temple. "My mom recommended the idea actually. Said stargazing is never a bad idea."

Spencer turned his head back towards Derek and kissed him, leaning more into him. "Thank you," he whispered as they pulled apart. "It's perfect."

Derek captured another quick kiss. "Anything for you."

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