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In a faraway kingdom, there lives a pretty boy with a kind heart. His name was, Zhanderella. Zhanderella lived with his father after his mother died from an illness. He was loved by his father that even a single insect doesn't even have a chance to get near him.

But one day, his father fell in love with a woman who has two children. At first, she was so considerate and kind to please Zhanderella. Because of her kindness to him, Zhanderella's father decided to marry her. Not until his father's workloads are doubled and needed to go far from home. His stepmother starts showing her other side. Zhanderella was neglected every time his father is not home, but when he does, his stepmother and two step-siblings put up an act in front of his father.

But then, Zhanderella's kindness didn't waver. He never told his father about what's happening when he's not around, thus, he shows him a bright smile that is telling him that everything is alright.

One day, his father went on a business and promised that he'll come home for Zhanderella's birthday. He waited and waited, but there's no even sign of his father returning home. Then his birthday had come, a knock on the door was heard at that time. He ran to the door to welcome his father but was disappointed when he saw someone else. A letter was given to him, his tears fell as he reads what the letter contains. It was a letter that was found at the crime scene, because of his father's work, he was shot dead and unable to return. It was a great pain to Zhanderella but he remembered what his father would always tell him, "Always be strong and kind to everyone, and good things will come your way."

From that day onwards, he stood strong and kind to everyone.

But because of his kindness, his stepmother and stepsiblings abused it. After his father's death, they treated him like a housemaid. He has no power to fight for his right for his father would always remind him to be good to other people and rather than fighting, you should talk it over.

Now he's in his twenties. He had not yet found the right woman for him.

He wiped his sweat as he just finished cutting the woods. Because of his all-around work on the mansion he was not able to find his significant other.

"Gladly, I'm finished on time, I should head back in and cook for lunch. Stepmother and stepsister and stepbrother might get angry at me if I made them wait," he uttered to himself as he went on the well and lifted a small pail of water. He washed his hand and face to relieve his exhaustion.

Then he wiped his hands dry on his trousers.

As he went inside, he was welcomed with the rabbits and cats that he'd been taking care of secretly. Since his stepmother and stepsiblings hate animals.

"Hey, little one," He crouch to reach the cats and rabbits to pet them. The cats immediately purred and rubbed their bodies on him, while the rabbits hopped happily around him. He giggled at the sight, but then he remembered, he needs to rush and cook lunch.

"Now, now, I'll feed and pet you later, okay?" he smiled at them and stood up. The cats and rabbits looked at him, dejected.

Zhanderella didn't waste any moment and immediately prepared for lunch. Just when he's about to finish the bell rang, indicating that they are already demanding food.

He immediately placed them on a platter and went to serve their food. As he arrives at the dining room, a glare was darted at him.

"You're late!" His stepbrother exclaimed with a sharp glare.

"Right, right. He doesn't do anything right as always!" His step-sister supplemented.

His stepmother scoffed, "Don't worry my children, he's always like that." she remarked.

Zhanderella : The Vibrator Story (One Shot) || YiZhan FFWhere stories live. Discover now