Acts Of Kindness

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It's 2 am I prob shouldn't be doing this rn but whatever-
"Its Alright"
(by Mother Mother ofcourse)

Oikawa's POV

Iwa-Chan and I have been sitting on our beds awkwardly for like a minute now which may not seem like a long time to you but gets real boring real quick..

Blood is seeping out of the cuts on my torso quickly and it's mildly concerning but I can't really do anything about it cause Iwa-Chans watching me like he's a fucking hawk or some shit-

Seriously, the dude needs to back off a bit. I would ask "what'd I ever do to him" or say something equally snarky but tbh the answer is a lot of things.

I mockingly make a peace sign at him (one of my "signature" motions that usually seem to annoy him) and wince as it pulls at the bleeding flesh on my torso.

Iwa-Chan's annoyed-furrowed brow turns into what looks like concern but if I really believed that I'd be getting ahead of myself.

I turn away from him and sigh... this is gonna be a long night.

Iwa's POV

Did he just wince?? Why the fuck would he be wincing? Is he okay? I mean not that I really care- who am I kidding, I'm not gonna let a petty rivalry get in the way of caring for someone's wellbeing.

I just won't let Oikawa know that I care and I just need to figure out what's wrong with the dude in the first place..

Maybe it has to do with the alcohol? Huh... I can't smell any alcohol now that I think about it.. Well if it's probably not alcohol and he's wincing, there's only one conclusion that I can draw right now..

I'm kind of too afraid to draw it but it's really my only lead.

Why would Oikawa be hiding an injury though.. doesn't really seem in character for him. The Pretty Boy I know would be whining and complaining 24/7....

So what's actually up..?

Why does he kind of look like a cornered animal?

I sigh and resign myself to one good deed. Just one, then I can go back to hating Pretty Boys guts..

"Oikawa.." I sigh his name out like it's some kind of burden to say (which it might actually be..)

"You can take this bed if you really want it.. Just cause I'm so fucking tired of you moping, it's even more annoying then your faux bubbly act." His eyes light up slightly in response, and he looks so relieved that it kind of hurts to wonder why he doesn't wanna use that bed so badly.

I really want to know why he's bleeding but am very aware that if I even so much as try to ask him he'd run out of the room (past curfew..) after looking at me like a deer in headlights.

I'm sure Pretty Boy can take care of himself.. why am I worrying so much.. wait why am I worrying at all in the first place?? He's like my sworn enemy or something.. Oh yea! I'm just being a decent human being-

I hear Oikawa clear his throat from almost directly in front of me. Ah, he wants me to move my stuff.

I pick up the few belongings that I'd begun to unpack and move then to the bed furthest from the door to start settling down there.

When I was so close to the guy, less than a foot away from him to be more exact, I could definitely tell that the stain on his torso was blood... I'm definitely gonna regret what comes out of my mouth next..

"Need any help with that..?" I ask, gesturing to the wounded area. I've got no idea what happened, but I do have a ton of practice with bandages (courtesy of getting in- and winning a lot of fights).

Gonna cut this short cause once again, it's 2am-


First Impressions (An Iwaoi Enemies to Lovers Fic Summer Camp AU)Where stories live. Discover now