And They Were Roommates

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Iwa's POV

The bus ride to camp wasn't too horrible, after my parents said their (teary) goodbyes to me at the bus stop, I got on with my bag and the identification slip they gave me that would prove to whoever's working there that I belonged.

After the bus pulled onto the loose, rocky pavement, the monitor beckoned us off in groups based on age, the youngest first. I definitely wasn't in the youngest age group (the camp probably went goes from ages 13-17 and I'm 16) so I wasn't last off the bus but it did take a pretty long while. Before we exited the bus, they asked for the identification and I handed it over, earning a slight nod of approval that beckoned me to continue.

I felt kind of awkward and out of place in a summer camp at 16, but I guess I'm not the oldest so whatever.. Should've thought of this more before agreeing, oh well I guess.

The councilors were yelling instructions about where to go in order to get to the cabins and about how they'll be two people per cabin and four cabins in a group which were apparently pretty close together.

They also go on to talk about a curfew for going back to the cabins which was apparently at 9... almost everyone rolled their eyes, presumably also not really wanting to be there.

We were also about to be separated by age group, apparently we weren't going to really interact with people of other ages besides in passing from one "activity" to another.

I take the opportunity of this random person talking to look around and see if I can recognize anyone in the crowd, it looks like this is an all guys camp, I realize. Doesn't really bother me so I continue looking around, I recognize a lot of people from school.

A certain annoying twink crosses my mind, god I hope he's not here... his parents are apparently rich so I wouldn't be surprised, it seems this place is pretty popular...

I scoff at the thought, quickly dismissing it, my luck isn't that bad.

Shortly, we're told to start hiking, apparently the 16 and 17 year olds are responsible enough to stay in their cabins without adult supervision. That seems like something thatd be against some sort of guideline but I'm not complaining.

When I make it to the four cabins lined in the woods that I'm assigned to, I see six guys standing in front of them. Since I have no where else to be (today is apparently designated to getting "settled in"), I decide to go up and talk to them.

"Hey, I'm Iwaizumi... your roommate??" I already regret the use of the word "roommate" cause I'm only gonna be rooming with one of them... I look at them and almost immediately recognize a few.

The first guy, with dyed brown/pink hair is actually a friend of mine, Hanamaki, he's standing next to a taller dude with unruly dark brown, almost black hair who I'm also pretty good friends with, Matsukawa.

The others I only faintly remember from school but thankfully introduce themselves as, Kuroo, he's got a disastrous hairstyle and is wearing an odd almost smug expression. If I didn't know that was his resting face, I'd probably be offended. He was pretty good friends with Pretty Boy Oikawa in school.. just thinking about their weird flirting is getting on my nerves...

Next to Kuroo is a dude who introduces himself as Bokuto, he's got an equally strange hairstyle but looks nice enough.

The other two are Tendou, (he's wearing a somehow even more unnerving smirk than Kuroo) and Ushijima, who I recognize because I remember the many times Oikawa attempted to get into fights with him for whatever reason.

I wonder who my roommate is cause I kinda zoned out during the councilors lecture... everyone seems to already be paired up though. Weird coincidence that I'm pretty sure all the individual pairs were already close friends before this if my memory serves me right. Huh.

I turn to Hanamaki (who I was literally texting yesterday, why did neither of them tell me about going to camp?? I guess prob the same reason I didn't tell them, it never really came up.)

"Hey, where's the other dude in our group?" I ask, curious about who I'm gonna have to spend the next months with. He gives me a funny expression, some weird combination of a grimace and a smirk.

"Oh, you aren't gonna be happy about this..." he snickers, glancing at Matsukawa like its some sort of inside joke. They shared an amused look before turning back to me.

"You'll just have to wait till he gets here" Hanamaki replies cryptically after the unnecessarily long eye contact with his companion, I was used to their homoromantic tension by now but why can't they just answer me?? I huff angrily but know that if they don't tell me now, they aren't going to any time soon...

We lapse into friendly conversation, catching up on what's happened this past week while waiting for the last member to join us. The groups of two mostly keep to themselves while we wait. I can't help but feel a huge amount of dread while waiting.. there's only one person that my friends are aware of my dislike towards..

After what couldn't be more than five minutes of idle chatter, we all hear footsteps approaching quickly. We all turn our heads towards the sound just to be greeted by an obnoxious,


This is gonna be a long summer.

First Impressions (An Iwaoi Enemies to Lovers Fic Summer Camp AU)Where stories live. Discover now