VAni TS: Chhayee Hai Tanhayee...(Part 1)

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A/N: Before I start, let me wish all you lovely peeps a very Happy New Year 2021...
Keep rocking...
Stay safe...
Stay healthy...


Veeranshu opened his eyes as soon as he realized that Bani had fallen asleep...

He placed his hand on her head running his fingers through her hair softly, wincing seeing the wounds on her body...

"Ek baath tum bhi yaad rakhle Veeranshu Singhania...Jab koi kisi ka jeevan saathi hotha hein...tho usse usko bachana bhi hotha hein...Jho tu nahi kar paya..."
Jay's words had cut through his soul...

He had lived through a nightmare that hadn't even crossed his mind before that very instant...being unable to protect his sweetheart...

Having to watch helpless as his Bani got hurt...

"Ha...thank you so much tumne Bani ke jaan bachayi...lekin Bani meri hein...meri pathni hein...haath hatavo..."
He had said to Jay...but at that point even Jay's hatred for him wouldn't match what he was feeling for himself for failing his Bani..

"Saala cheel tak tu baan nahi paya..."
Jay had taunted him...

But wasn't that the truth...?He wasn't able to transform into a cheel when it was needed the most and he was worried if he would be able to transform into one ever...

Veer groaned as the pain of the curse gnawed on him...but he could live with that or anything else for that matter than living through the pain of seeing his wife and family get hurt while he could do nothing...

"I'm sorry sweetheart..."
He said to Bani and kissed her lightly on her forehead...

"Veeranshu... "
He heard her say and leaned away worrying if he had woken her up...
But Bani snuggled close to him sighing contentedly...

He had waited for the day she would look at him like she did that day when she confessed about her feelings to him...
For the day when she would touch him with out flinching...

That day was here but...he wasn't the man he was earlier...

Sighing Veer got down from the bed and walked out of the room closing the door behind him...

He found his father in the living room drinking himself to stupor..
"That woman...that cursed woman..."
Veer heard his father mutter...

"How could that monster do this to her own son...?"
He roared and gripped the glass tightly that it broke in his hands...

Veer called his father...

"Veer...How are you son...?I heard about the attack...did you get hurt...?"
Balwant said to his son concerned checking for wounds on Veer's body..

Veer chuckled painfully...
"They didn't hurt me dad...Bani...she protected me...but she..."
He sighed...

But then Balwant's eyes fell on the curse mark on Veer's neck and that brought him back to hating and cursing Chandrakala...

"That monster is the one messing up with your life...This is all her fault...I'm not going to leave that woman...chodunga nahi mein usko..."
Balwant muttered angrily...

" there any possibility that my powers will come back...?"

"No Veer...don't you see what that cursed woman did...?she sent the centipedes knowing that your power will gone after escaping from the clutches of you won't be able to protect the family and would be cursed..."

VAni TS: Chhayee Hai Tanhayee...(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now