Week Three

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Hello again! Hope you had a good Christmas, or good holidays if you don't celebrate it.

Anyway, your task this week will be to scroll through a dictionary, close your eyes, and put your finger on a word and read the definition. Do that three times, and the words you pick, whether you know them or not, use in a short story.

If a word doesn't make sense to you, you can look it up for more information on it. If you don't own a dictionary, you could either try using a thesaurus instead, or find a random word generator online.


Words: Mundane, uncomprehending, en suite

"Bonjour Madame et monseur, may I take your coats?" The polished butler held his arm to face his guests, who gratefully took off their coats for him.

"Why thank you, kind sir. It's been a long flight." The woman dressed in jewels replied with a warm smile.

"I daresay you'd like some rest. Let me show you to your room."

The en suite was glamorous. Silk curtains hung around the bed and walls were painted with care and brilliance. The woman gazed out of the window a gasped as she took in the view.

"I believe we have a winner," the woman's husband said. And with his work done, the butler exited the room.

As soon as she heard the click of the closing door, the woman whipped on her heel to scowl at her husband. "Next time I want you to do a bit more talking about this place, rather than me as if I were a child picking a dollhouse!"

"You know what, Mary?" Brian took a step closer to his wife. "You're not the only one trying to pretend that we're still together! What am I supposed to say that you haven't?"

"Oh don't put this all on me! You see that butler there? He's not just a lazy mundane that sits around and gets what he gets and complains when he's not happy! He's trying to earn a living and the least we can do is be polite!"

"Mary..." Brian said in a soft warning tone.

"Don't you 'Mary' me! You-"

Brian looked around the place conciously, not wanting to have to deal with his uncomprehending wife. "Mary, we have company."

She paused and looked over Brian's shoulder. The butler was in the doorway, and it seemed he had been there quite a while.

"Um, I was just wondering if you wanted any drinks? The bar is open."

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