♤{Chapter II : The First Few Years}♤

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[Words] = A/N

After Hisashi left the marine that was given Izuku when inside to the General to inform him on the situation. The General then called a meeting with all the leaders of different branches, there and ones that were higher up like in Alpha force. As well as the marines(?) that was given Izuku.
They agreed on letting Izuku be raised there at the bace in hopes he will be an ultimate leader and future General of the Japanese Millitaty and shit[Help]. After all it isn't everyday you get the chance to raise I baby in the armi.

×time skip×

Izuku is now 10 and has the IQ of about a 8th grader (13yr old) he is also very close with everyone in the bace/camp/facility. He developed his quirks at age 9 [Don't give children weapons kids, use children as weapons].

"Good morning Izuku," said a female soldier, "I hear there's some new recruits and one of the is pretty smug you what to shut him up?"

"Is that even a question?" Izu said sarcastically closing the UA 1st year curriculum book (he still 10) he was going over. Izuku could speak several languages; Japanese(like duh), English, German, Russian, Latin, Greek, Norigen(?), French, most Chinese, and learning ancient Japanese.

As Izuku walked out he spotted the new groop and imeditly picked out the smug one. For two reasons, A he was LOUDLY & PROUDLY talking 'bout himself and B his one of his quirks, First Person Shooter Heads Up Display or FPS-HUD. It gave a mini map that he could make larger, different colored dots indicating where people are and whether they are friend, fo(?), ect. It also gave him there stats, he crossed over the the bragging solver and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and said, "Oh! Hey kid what are you doing hear this isn't a place for a little kid like you." Izuku simply smirked and simply pointed at the two that were in sparing pin. The new recruit looked shocked and said "Well I guess you do have some muscle." The military people that know Izu smirked and chuckled amungst themselves, it's not the first time he's done thuis. Thinking, 'finnaly he will shut up!' As the entered Izuku said his first words to the new recruit.

"Don't. Under estimate me, so don't. Hold back." Izu told him with a serious look. And with that the flag was drone that they could start the new recruit let's call him Leo charged forward and tried to punch Izuku but he dodged dropping onto his hands and foot then using the other foot that he intenchaly put in the air swung it down and swiped Leo's feet out from under him. Then quickly hopping to his feet Izu kikking him where 🌥. Leo yelped in pain and Izuku grabbed his arm flipped him over so Leo was on his stomach and yelled "yield." While giving the intent of breaking Leo's arm.

"I yield!" Leo said sacred of the 10 year old, 'they said be warned of the small power house, but I thought the ment short not a tall 10 year old' Leo thought as he limmed over and out of the pin. [A/N izuku is going to be taller than in cannon so he is all ready like 5'5 witch is his current cannon hight if I'm not mistaken.]

×time skip×

So Izuku is currently 15 and just returned from his 1,000 mission.(UWU). "IZUUUUU," A 5 year old girl & child of one on the navy officers came running down to the garage where Izu was parking his motorcycle, "IZUKU COME WITH ME NOW!!" Zena commanded.

"Okay, okay I'm coming but I have to go to the General fir-"

"*sigh*, okay but can I at least put my stuf in my room?"

"Finnne, let's go."

So they went to put Izuku's stuf away then Zena lead Izuku to the main hall where a party awaited Izuku on completing his 1,000th mission as well as something else that he was already apart of but didn't know.

As the dew-o walked in Izuku was shocked to see his closest coworkers, Genral and no way!?? The General of the Alpha Pack aka the very top head of the Japanese Millitaty; Armi, Air Force, Coast Guard, Navy, and Marines!![tf am I writin]"Sirs." he said with a bow to each of them.

"No need to be so formal Izuku," General Wrath said, "General Shwarts is hear because it's time you find out how you got hear....and some other stuf as well!" So they said basically chapter 1 and told him that he has been part of Alpha Pack since he came and that he is achally surpassed hi in ranks meaning if he expects he will take his spot when he retires. Also tells him that the reason it looks like a party is bc it to cellabrate his 1,000th mission complete not that he has ever failed. Also told that he has a new mission but that will be discussed more after the party aka the next chapter.


Hellow thank cha 4 reading I will hopefully upload the next chapter soo mn not shur but the latest I'm hopping is 24 howers from when this is posted. I know 4 a fact that it will not 🐝 soon after this bc I what to catchup on my YouTube notifications. Possible get a prologue out of the way and once again try so figer out how the fuck sleep is🤗. Have a good (or bad if u want 2) morning, afternoon, evening, day, ect.🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌙🌚🌛🌜☀️🌝🌞⌚⏰⏱🕰🕛🕧🕐🕜🕑🕝🕒🕞🕓🕟🕔🕠🕕🕡🕖🕢🕚🕥🕙🕤🕘🕣🕗🕦☁️⛅⛈🌤🌥🌦🌧🌨🌩🌫🌈🌊

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