Chapter 19 - Bad Intentions

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Saturday rolls by and Tayshia suppose come through but before she gets here I'm getting lectured by squad .. AGAIN. We at Zaliya's house

"Don't do this Jenner .. Do you really need another girl?" Anthony looks at me, sitting on the edge of the couch

"You don't even know this girl" hope looks at me "Jenner .. Don't be a hoe . Please"

"Don't say that .. Don't say that" I laugh

"It's true!!" Marco says

"Anyways what Bout King?" I look around "3-somin ass nigga .. WITH another nigga!"

"Whattttt?" Everybody look at King

"I already knew" Marco and Zaliya laugh

"It was one time" he looks down

"Nigga you nasty" I say and everyone laughs

"AND YOU THIRSTY" He throws me a bottle of water "you need this son"

Everyone started rolling on the floor laughing

I take the water "imma need it cause my 1 o clock is coming bitch"

As I head out the door Marco is coming after me

"J .. Don't do this . I smell a set up"

"Whys that?"

"Because first off .. This girl pops outta no where and just wants to fuck? .. See iont know about this kid"

"I'll be fine Marco okay?" I look at him and he's so worried "I promise"

"Fine J"

I get in my car and drive to my house and wait for ol shawty.

Around 1:30 she comes through

"May I?" I take her coat from her

I lead her up to my room and she sits on the bed

"You know J .." She gets up and runs a finger down my chest

"Wha .. What" I look at her

She brings her lips close to mine "you're so sexy"

"Mmmmm ...hmmm" I say

She puts her finger on my lips "do you like my body?" She asks

"Ye .. Yes" I finally get out

"Good" she kisses me softly

She starts to take my shirt off me and kiss all over me. I mean ALL over.

"Do you like it?" She whispers tracing her tongue from my stomach to my neck

"Yesss" I let out a little moan

She kisses me roughly smiling grabbing one of my boobs. She slides her other hand down to my pants balancing herself on me

"Can I?" She whispers in my ear

I give her confirmation and she unzips my pants. She slides down and takes my boy shorts off.

"You're so wet" she says in a low sexy tone

She starts giving me head. BOMB ass head. Best head I ever got mane I swear.

She comes back up smiling "how was that?"

"Amazing" I smile. I flip her over and return the favor

Her moans were like music to my ears. I stick a finger in and she's hella tight

I continue licking and swirling my tongue "can you take another?"

"No" she lets out more moans

I put another one in anyway and she gasps

"Baby no" she's moaning pleas

I continue with both fingers and I know that she's about to cum cause she's getting tighter and tighter.

"Jenner !!!!" She arches her back and cums really hard.

I laugh cause it was kinda funny

"What's so funny?" She asks laughing too

"Idk" I smile

She gets up and I smack her ass. She gotta nice booty.

"I gotta pee" she runs to the bathroom

When she left her phone started ringing, I look who's calling her

'Valerie Porter'

She comes back and kisses me "want to go to get something?" She asks

I push it to the side and smile "yeah"

We put our clothes on and head out .. But why was Val calling her tf? Iont want Marco to be right about this beings setup. Damn man ..

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