Chapter 20 - The Set Up

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*Baby we don't need a bed no* my ringtone goes off

"Hello?" I answer sleepy cause whoever just called me woke me tf up

"I saw you fuckin her" the other voice says

"Tf?" I look at the phone "Valerie?"

"Yeah .. Remember Tayshia" she laughs

I stay silent

"All Imma say is .. If you don't pretend to be my girlfriend again, everybody including ya girl diamond will know" she laughs

"HOW BITCH HOW?" I yell "non-evidential proof havin ass bitch"

"Oh trust me .. I have all the proof I need! Say Hi Tay"

Then Tayshia gets on the phone like tf?

"Hey J" she laughs

My phone starts blowing up from Valerie sending me pictures of Tayshia going down on me and me going down on her like TF? Oh my god

"You have 48 hours" Valerie says

I look at the phone crazy

"Shut the fuck up .. 48 hours my ass callin me at 3 am for this bull and by the way thanks for the head .. Both of you. Especially Tay shit was bomb. Muchos besitos thotties" I laugh and hang up the phone

I bring myself back to sleep cause I was peacefully sleeping before all that non-sense smdh.

When I wake up in the morning my phone blowing up. Bitch talking bout 40 hours ..

I get dressed in my AF1 oreos, black jeans and a baseball jersey made by my favorite designer AF. I straightened my hair last night and I'm lookin hella sexy.

I walk down the street to Marcos house when all of a sudden I get jumped outta no where and hijacked into a vehicle. Awww fuckin shit

I wake up to this dark damp room lookin shit. Iont even know how long I was knocked out for

"Now Jenner wasn't that a rude way to hang up with me on the phone" Val takes the bag from over my head

"What they hell is this?" I look around

"I told you or else" she laughs and of course Tayshia ass right there

"Man you crazy!" I look down and I'm tied tf up

She moves me closer

"AYE watch the arm!" I say

"Shut up" she duck taps my mouth


She slaps me hella hard and I look at her wide-eyed.

Did this chick just slap me? WOOOSAHHHH WOOOSAHHHH WOOOOSAHHHH. Lawd give me strength. I gotta get outta here! Girl crazy as a mug.

"Think we should give her a little show?" Val looks at Tay

"I think we should" Tay laughs

Val and Tay start kissin deeply. I look away .. What type of stuff is this?

Valerie turns my head back to them "LOOK! Ms. FuckEveryGirlInTheWorld!"

I look down. Maybe I shoulda listened to my brother .. Smh

Wait! My brother!! My phone is still in my jacket pocket. They tied my hands in front of me because of my arm, Maybe I can reach it. I got him on speed dial #4.

"Jenner .. Jenner .. Jenner .. You know if you just went through with it and said yes last night, you wouldn't be in this situation" she takes out a bat

I know where the 4 is on the key pad so I press it and leave it on


"Oh shut up Jenner!" She traces the bat down my leg "wouldn't it be unfortunate if you had a broken leg too?" She laughs evilly

Awww lawd I hope they come in time. I can't go through anymore pain.

"You're freaky J .. You know that?" Tay looks at me licking her lips

Val takes off the duck tape and it hurts hella bad, I scream loud.

LAWDDD I'm sorry for all the bad things I did. I promise I'll be nicer to everyone lord Jesus please help me. I'm sorry for the time I put the wild chicken in Mr. Sherman's house. LAWD I'm sorry he got bit. I'm also sorry for messin with Lisa and her twin sister Tisha at the same time LAWDDD PLEASE. Lord please noooo. I say a quick lil prayer.

"Yall are wrong for this!" I say "where are we anyways?"

"SHUT UP" Val yells

"Valerie's basement of course" Tay laughs

"You're mine" she says and she's all up in my face

"In your wildest dreams" I say

She hits me with the bat.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I scream "bitch"

She hits me again


I look down & eat the pain, thinking of Diamonds smile

"You sure you wanna keep pulling these cards J" she gets close to me "Then shut the fuck up"

"Fuck you!" I say

She hits me again, I'm bruising up quick too.

After about 30 minutes Marco busts open the door WITH the police

"Un hand the Jenner!" Mr. West says loud

Val drops the bat and backs up. Tay does the same

"Thought you could use some help" Marco unties me

"You thought right" I laugh

"HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD!" Officer McGinty says and reads them there rights.

He picks up the stick and duct tape "didnt know you was a fan of that bondage freaky shit" He helps me up and I can barely walk. I'm limpin. PIMP WALKKK

I laugh and punch his arm "shut up"

Marco and I walk up the stairs slowly step by step

"TAKE EM AWAY GENTLEMEN" Mr.West commands and Tay & Val were off in handcuffs

"Smooches" I laugh as they get takin away

Mr.West stops me in my tracks "Listen .. Jenner I'm sorry for the first time we met. I was out of line and I apologize for what my daughter did .. I see that you treat her right so .. I hope we can forget about it but what do you be gettin yourself into girl?"

"A lot of things Sir .. You have no idea"

He laughs and walks off with them thots.

"Told ya not to do it!" He laughs

"Se .. Yo se"

The paramedics pick me up and take me to the ambulance to check out my leg. They put some bandages on it and let me go.

"Damn the arm and NOW THE LEG?" Marco laughs

I limp away " yup"

"You kno you gon have to go to the station later"

"Yeah I kno .. But now imma have to go home and tell my rents"

"True true" he gives me a piggy back ride home

I'm just glad that I got outta that one mane. I get outta a lot of stuff but this got me thinkin. I need to stop messin around a settle. I can't take this anymore .. I can't live like this ..

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