Fawk You Mean?

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Fawkkkk she want? I look down at my phone. After this bitch hit me with a car, she wanna pop out the blue Talkin bout some "let's talk" bitch if you don't getcho fake fufu ass outta here. I swea.

I call my brother

"She texted you? She texted me too" Marco goes on

"What she say to you?" I ask him

"She asked me where you were"

"Did you reply?" I ask

"Hell no! You know me J" he tells me

"Yeah .."

"What'd she say to you?"

"She asked me if we could talk & no I ain reply" I say

"What we gon do?" He asks

"Im not sure"

"Did mom & dad hit up the police yet?" He asked

"Not yet .. Not until we get out of this camp" I look down at the water "but I'm about to"

"How you gon do that? You reflecting"

"I know but this has to be done now .. Come pick me up" I say

"iight I'm coming to get you" he says

He pulls up & I get in the car. She sends me another message

Diamond; I bet she can't eat you like I can 😈😘


"Her again?" Marco pulls off

"Yup" I say

"She said Val can't eat me like she can" I laugh

"Grossss" Marco sticks his tongue out "& plus you & Val haven't even had sex yet ctfuuuu" he looks out the window

"I'm sayin!"

"Don't text back though" he says

"I won't!!" I say

She sends another one

Diamond; Baby just come back to me, I'm sorry for hitting you with my car😭

And another one

Diamond; Baby I love you ❤️

And yet another one

Diamond; Baby stop playin, please! ❤️

Fawkkkk you mean hoe?

I turn off my phone cause now it's buzzing non-stop

"We here Fam" Marco says

I look up & were at our town police station

"We'd like to report a hit & run" Marco says to the chief

"What happened?" He asks

"I was hit by a car & she just drove off, I was in the hospital for over 2 weeks" I say

"Do you know this she?" He asks

"Yes .. Diamond West" Marco says

"Diamond?" He asks surprised

That's when Marco & I look at this chiefs badge. Thomas West.


Marco looks at me & I look back at him.
Didn't ol girl say she ain have a daddy. TF?

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