chapter 1:The Raven

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My head was pounding. I herd faint, muffled voices in the background. My eyes slowly fluttered open. I squinted at the bright light. I tried to move my arms, but all i got in response was pain. The coarse rope was tied too tight. It felt like i was being poked with a bunch of little splinters. I was wearing A dark purple tank-top, with flexible black leather pants and black combat boots. My dark brown wavy hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail. i also wore a pair of black-diamond studds. I lifted my head and looked around. I was tied to a chair in an abandoned factory. There was a lot of rusted equipment and rotting wood boards as well as a few working lights, but most of them were burnt out. In the middle of the room was a metal table that held my weapons belt, my leather jacket, and my motorcycle keys. there were a couple guns and some other small things. I stared at the men in front of me. They were bent over the table discussing things in hushed voices.

"hey!" i yelled. No response.

"hey, meatheads! Im talking to you! " one guy finally turned around. He was bald, with a black gotee. He had peircing blue eyes. He looked like one of those guys with a short temper. He was bigger then me but i could take him.

"well, well, well, look who's finally awake."

I smirked at him. "i wish i wasn't so i wouldn't have to see your ugly face."

He frowned and next thing I know, his fist collides with my cheek bone. My head snaps to the side. I lift my head back up, and spit the blood from my bleeding mouth on his shoes.

"that the best you got?" i have to admit that that actually hurt, but i wasn't gonna give him the satisfaction of seeing me in pain.

He glared at me.

"settle down Vincent." the other guy said. He walked over to me. This guy had brown buzzcut hair and brown eyes. He had sharp features and a vibe that cleerly said thug.

"Hey whats up greg?"

Ive been trying to get this guy for months now, but right when I think I've got him he manages to elude me.

"ive been looking for you, how have you been? "

He bent down to my level.

"where's your boss? "

"straight to the point i see. What? No hello, how have you been? Nothing? Okay. How bout this, tell me what skinner is up to and i won't kill you. "

"you know you've been causing a lot of problems for us. Wheres the key?"

"what key?"

I recieved a punch to my stomach. I gasped as i felt the wind get knocked out of me.

"Don't play innocent with me, i know you know where it is."

I just glared at him, "you know you should know by now that I'm not telling you anything. I'm not a traitor."

Just then the my cellphone on the table rang. Vincent picked it up.

"its for you", Vincent pointed at me, "It says its her mom?"

Greg took the phone.

"crap" i muttered. "hey, i need to answer it. If i don't she wont stop calling."

"Make it quick", Greg put the phone up to my ear and i held it between my ear and shoulder. (It was really my boss, i just put him under mom because this kind of thing happens often.)

"Hi mom, i can't really talk right now. " i said exaderating mom.

"we need you to come in" a deep voice said.

"I'm kinda in the middle of something, can It wait? "

"no it can't "

"alright just give me a sec. Hey can hold this for me? " i asked Greg. He took the cellphone. I then broke free of my restraints and started beating the crap out of them (the whole time they were interagating me i had been slowly cutting the scratchy rope with a mini laser that was built into my silver ring with onyx and amethyst gems). Greg came at me from behind with a metal pipe. He swung at me as i ducked and then i sent an uppercut and a few quick jabs to his face. While he was busy recovering i dove to the side to avoid bullets being sent my way, compliments of Vincent. I then ran and slid under the table and knocked it over to shield myself from the rain of ammo i was receiving. My weapons belt was only a few feet away, but i still needed a distraction. So i kicked the table towards vincent and while he was distracted i grabbed my belt, kicked the gun out of Vincent's hand, avoided a few punches and took a smoke grenade out of my weapons belt and threw it on the ground in front of him. Distracted by the smoke i took this opportunity and knocked him out cold by slaming his head on a metal beam. The second guy, Greg came at me from behind and put me in an choke hold. I quickly got out of it and then chocked him till he passed out.

"next time you kidnap someone, make sure you check everywhere for weapons. " i said even though i know they can't hear me. i snapped my weapons belt back on grabbed my stuff, walked outside and then slipped my leather jacket on. I walked up to my motercycle, started the engine, and put my black helmet on. As i drove away i clicked a red switch on my motercycle and two seconds later i herd the giant explosion. i saw a bright light from the corner of my eye, and than i felt the heat on my back as the factory crumbled where it once stood. My name is Raven Carter and i am no good guy. I am a high risk assassin and spy. I work for the nafarious blood moon organization and my boss is one of the most dangerous men in the world. But if there is anyone you should fear, it's me.

Hey guys, so this is the first chapter of my first story. Ive written some short stories but this is the first one ive published for others to see. i am writting chapter two. so let me know what you think and weather i should continue the story or not. i enjoy lots of feedback and ideas, so if you have any ideas to add to the story i would love to hear them! <3

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