Chapter 5: An Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D

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(Danny's POV)

A flash of lightning against a dark sky illuminated the musty warehouse. The only sound heard was the pitter-patter of the heavy raindrops hitting the tin roof, making the storm sound worse than it was. Another flash of lightning could be seen through the small, dirt-tinted windows. Mumbling was all that could be heard over the storms booming voice. The old lights that hung from the roof were flickering off and on. Most of the employers were loading crates of the merchandise into trucks or packing the merchandise into crates. There was an upper section with a few guards patrolling along the rails. Up the stairs was a control room. If I can get to the control room I could shut the power down which might give me an advantage and hopefully it will create a big enough distraction to buy Alpha squad some time to get here.

I leaned against the crate i was hiding behind.

"Ghost to Sharpshooter, has alpha squad arrived yet?"

"That is a negative Ghost, but they said that they would be here as soon as possible."

"Well could you tell them to hurry up...."

I peaked around the corner of the crate to see two men arguing.

"It's getting pretty heated over here."

Maybe I should explain what is going on, My name is Danny Toretto, i am an agent of S.H.E.I.L.D. A couple of days ago we got a tip on a man named Doug Carrie. You see we my team and i have been keeping tabs on "The Blood Moon Organization". Their front is a food and medical organization for countries in need, but i know what was really going on. We have been trying to catch Victor Kovac, the head B.M.O, for years, but every time we think we got him he always manages to slip out of our grasps. He has been charged several times but the judge could never find anything to hold against him. He is a sneaky snake with powerful friends in high places. When we got the tip we checked the man out and we found a leak. We were able to arrest Carrie and we soon found the warehouse. Their are various different warehouses that act as the fronts to the B.M.O., but they are hard to find. From the warehouses the "supplies" is sent to the main B.M.O. building, but i believe that there is another outpost in Iraq and that is why we haven't been able to nail this guy, or find anything. One of our men went undercover in warehouse 13 and confirmed that there was illegal items inside the building-Counter fitted money, drugs such as weed and tobacco, and black-market items. When we found our agent dead, we decided we needed to act now,before they disappeared with all of the evidence. If everything went smoothly we would have enough evidence to charge Kovac. So i snuck in, but my supervising officer didn't know where i was, so i had to call in some backup.

If i don't do something soon they will get away with everything and there will be no chance of hunting them down once they get out of the country.

I heard a yell behind me, "Hey!"

I turned around to see one of the thugs running towards me.

oh crap

I lept to my feet and bolted towards him. He swung at me and missed, but left himself open to attack. I sent a few quick jabs to his stomach. The pain caused him to double over which allowed me to knee him in the face, and one last hit allowed me to knock him unconscious. I started dragging the body towards the safety of the shadows before I was seen.

"WE HAVE AN INTRUDER!" someone yelled.

well so much for the stealth part.

I took off running as fast as i could. I dodged and weaved in between stacks and rows of crates, knocking out whoever came across my path. I took a sharp turn left, my feet sliding across the dusty, concrete floors. I turned my head to see if i was being followed, but when i turned back around i came face to face with a baricade of goons, so i took off in the other direction, only to find more croonies. I was trapped. I scanned the area looking for a way out. I quickly ran towards the side of some stacked crates. I jumped and used my feet to launch myself upward. I quickly grabbed onto the ledge of the top crate and pulled myself up, barley dodging the on-coming fire. I ran atop the crates heading towards the railing. I took two big steps before i literally took a leap of faith; my hand barley missing the railing. my whole body came to an abrupt stop, nearly tearing my arm out of its socket. The rest of my body slammed into the side of the metal structure. I let out a grunt of pain.

That's going to leave a mark.

I pulled myself up and fought back those that tried to stop me. I ran along the railing trying my best to dodge the spray of bullets. I let out a small yelp as i felt a sharp pain in my left arm. I kept running not even bothering to see if i had been shot. I ran into the small control room killing the two hostile figures inside and slamming the door shut and locking it. I quickly got to work to shutting the power down. I ducked as bullets ripped through the wooden door and shattered the small window. I looked around and than saw a metal box with electrical wires connected to it. It was labeled electrical Conductor. I opened the box and saw a red lever and i pulled it down. I stood there as everything went dark. I just stood there in dark, with only the occasional lightning streak flashing upon everything. I listened to the arguing of the men outside, the pitter-patter of the rain, and the booming voice of the thunder. As i listened more i picked out Police sirens.

Its about time

I heard the banging of Shield agents entering the building and i turned the power back on. I heard some yelling and gunfire, but then the only thing i heard was the clicking of handcuffs. I opened the door up to see SHEILD agents leading the aprehended criminals outside. My boss, Colson, uproached me.

"Well done, agent Toretto. We are one step closer to getting this guy, but you went against my orders after i clearly told you to not do anything rash."

"But if i didn't do something they would be halfway across the country by now and we would have never caught them."

"I see your point, but if go against my orders again i am going to ground you from any missions, are we clear?!"

"yes sir"

He walked away, I sighed a breath of relief.

"Man you could get away with murder."

My best friend Grey Wells, AKA Sharpshooter, came up behind me.

"Please, the only reason he didn't ground me was because i got us the whole warehouse and all of its merchandise and data. This was a big bust."

"You lucky punk."

He locked his arm around my neck and messed up my hair

"Wow, thanks", my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"No problem bud." He patted my back.

I jumped into one of the cars and we sped off towards the helicarrier, which was currently at a government owned airport. On the drive back i starred out the windows. I watched as other cars past by, their bright lights passed over me for a minute, but then i would be emerged in the dark again. I was deep in thought. I was thinking about how much i coundn't wait to nail this guy. He was bad news and he caused pain for alot of people. My parents are dead because of him. Finding Kovac wasn't just a mission to me, I had my own personal vendetta. For me it was about revenge. Because of him i went through things that no young boy should every go through. I was going to find this guy, and i wasnt going to stop hunting him till he was dead; till my thirst for revenge was quenched.

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