Chapter 16.

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This time it was my turn to be in the hospital - and did I ever hurt. It hurt to move; to talk and to even turn my head in the direction where Gideon sat by my side. By now, the whole Hospital knew that I was no longer Dr. Hannah Breeze, but Mrs. Gideon Benson; wife of the world's richest billionaire. Even Bryce has finally figured it out - that I'm not interested in him at all and that I am no longer available.

I can see why Gideon hated being confined to this bed - I agree, my God is it ever boring. I never really realized how annoying the sound of the monitors was. I suppose I'll cultivate more empathy for my patients whenever I get out of here and return to work. I guess as a doctor - you tune out all mechanical noises.

The movement of my hand must have nudged Gideon a little and woke him up. Yawning and stretching, Gideon turns to me and seeing me awake; he came closer to me and caressed my face. "You're awake! How do you feel my love?" He asked me as he placed a kiss on my head. I groaned a little but smiled at him.

"A little sore, what happened? Why am I in the hospital?"

   ... - then the thought of my girls being in danger freaked me out and Gideon took my shoulders and gently guided me to lay back down and rest, "relax Hanna, they're fine and you're in the hospital because you are shot."

"Shot? But why?" He laughed, "because regardless of your threat to shoot, Vincent Saunders called out your bluff and shot you before you could pull the trigger."
    My hands immediately went to the spot where my unborn child lay - "did the impact of my fall and the bullet hurt me anyway - I mean did it cause harm to our baby?" Gideon shook his head. "No. The bullet went through your shoulder and you landed in my arms when you fell, so you didn't even land on the ground, I protected you both."

He said as he gathered my hands and kissed them. "Please don't ever risk your life before me like that again - you must have scared at least 10 years from my life."
   I smiled, "don't worry, now that our troubles are gone, I don't think I would ever attempt something so dangerous."

"Good." Was his reply. Then the door to my room slid open and in ran my girls, both clamouring to see if I am all right. Hector and a very pregnant Sierra entered as well. "Sierra, You look like you're about to pop, should you be here visiting me?"

She laughed, "what better place to see you than a hospital. That way if this little one does decide to arrive, I won't have to travel long- I can just go upstairs to the obstetrician department and deliver my child there. By the way, Gideon let it slip that you're expecting as well - congratulations. When do you think you'll be due?"

I thought for a moment and calculated the date in my head then I answered her, "I think by next summer our baby will arrive." They all smiled at me, then Gideon leaned forward and kissed me - "do you feel well enough to accompany us to the chapel?"

"The chapel? What for?"

"For our wedding my darling. You promise to remember?"

" But, I don't have a dress to wear. Gideon giggled, and shared a look with the others, "Sierra has it all prepared. Come my darling - let's make our marriage official."

  I smiled, then watched as a nurse came into the room and began the procedure of unhooking me from all the wires of the machines.

Once that was done, Gideon pushed aside the covers, lowered the guard rails and taking a firm hold of my waist, he lifted me off the bed and holding me in his arms he accompanied me and my family to the hospital's chapel - where the priest was waiting to marry us.

Once I was dressed and gussied up, Hector came to my side and grabbing my arm gently, he walked with me down the aisle towards the Altar and where Gideon Stood Beside the priests and our daughters standing there with him. Filled with so much love and excitement, I completed the bridal walk-and when we got to the top and Hector relinquished me to Gideon's side, I smiled inward.

My small family sat in the pews and watched as the priest went through the wedding sermon. However when he got to the part of: "If there is anyone who has any cause as to why these two people should not get married, speak now or forever hold your peace!"

The doors to the Chapel were pushed open inward slamming against the wall and in walked my parents. And with them stood a stranger that looked a little bit familiar;

But as I focussed on his face, I came to the shocking realization that the stranger that stood at my parent's side with his arms crossed against his chest and a mean sneer on his face - was none other than my ex-boyfriend Jerome Taylor.

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