CH: 4 - The Unknown Danger

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NARRATOR: The sky is still cloudy in the mountain range and in its basin. That's when we can really lose track of time, and that's exactly what happened to Slayer. He just killed a DeathStalker, thanks to his fast legs and his dash, he could easily get to the creature's tail, rip it out, and put it in his head. The creature slowly turned to dust in torturous hissings.


Doom Slayer: 'This one's gone, too. I don't know where all of a sudden these imitations disappeared to. Anyway, I'd better take a look around these bastards can hide anywhere, maybe I should ask Hayden, how many imitations have I killed, is I think it's been a couple for sure since I have spent quite a lot of time here between these buildings... but it's good to be sure. Also, I should ask you how long I've been here." - that's what I thought when I was trying to clear my throat so my voice wasn't to be so gruff, after that, I put my hand to my helmet, more precisely, on the button of the communicator.

Doom Slayer: "Hayden, how many imitations have I killed?" - nowhere is an answer. I sighed in my annoyance. I waited a while, and there's always no sign that Hayden would want to answer.

Doom Slayer: "Along with your whining about saying that: you gonna be so useful to me, I didn't take out my Super Shotgun, you know that right? So... BE USEFUL AND ANSWER TO MY DAMN QUESTION WHEN I ASK YOU, DR. SAMUEL DICKHEAD!..." - I shouted those words. Looks like the anger I felt about Hayden finally came to light. Of course, his little head instantly appeared on the Hub, which indicated that he was about to speak when those words came out of my mouth.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "I should mention that I don't like to answer some unnecessary questions like that, especially while I'm trying to save as much energy at The Doom Fortress as I can, so I can send you the most important weapons that you need in the fights...But as I watch, you're perfectly fine with your two fists." - he answered me with his monotonous and arrogant voice, as I was accustomed to Hayden.

Doom Slayer: "Tch... Unfortunately, I have to say, you're damn right. But still, it feels so good when you can blow something's head off with my Love, The Super Shotgun." - an awkward silence filled the radio channel. Hayden doesn't understand the beauty of slaughtering of course. Why did I even try? He answered some seconds later.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Anyway, you have killed 12812 imitations. About 4134 were Wolf imitations, 3647 Bear imitations, 4757 Heavy Armored Wolf imitations, 273 Scorpion imitations, and 1 mammoth imitation. Also, you began this little "crusade" began 5:31 hours ago, and it took almost 1 hour to travel there. So it's been approximately 6:31 hours since you left the campfire. I thought I'd mention the time, I don't want to waste any more time on your stupid questions. If you'll excuse me..." - with those final words, his little icon had disappeared from my HUD. Looks like I got to be able to piss him off, too.

Doom Slayer: "Well, I've killed a lot of imitations. If they hadn't been hiding so much, I think this little massacre would have gone faster." - I sighed as I thought about it. I raised my head and looked at the cloudy sky, where the rays of the sun began to flow through, looks like these imitations are causing this cloudy sky. I raised my hand to the sky and vowed myself: "Whatever it takes I will kill these bastards, and I'll do what I couldn't do it on Earth... to prevent it from completely corrupt and consumed by demonic forces... and then back to hell to continue my crusade, because... DEUS VULT! (GOD WILLS IT!)" - after this thought, I closed my fist in the air, with this sealing my vow. After that, I continued to walk among the demolished buildings searching for imitations...


(NARRATOR:) The two faunus ran back to the underground base to report this threat to their boss. Their faces were filled with fear, their hearts beat very hard as if they felt it coming out of their mouths. Their whole bodies trembled, because of such a bad feeling that: HE WOULD HAVE COME FOR THEM. As soon as they reach the entrance. They took a breath and looked at each other to make sure they saw what they saw. They could still hear the excruciating screams from the Grimms and the metal in the distance that was getting closer and closer to them. Somehow they got themselves together and went in. The Boss was waiting for them in the door of the rearmost wagon, he was a little impatient for the two loafers to finally come back. The explosions and quakes still haven't stopped. As he saw the two loafers approaching, he, too, jumped off the wagon and stretched out his hands with his cane in his right hand, walked up to them. The two faunus ran towards Roman. As soon as the three of you have reached a reasonable distance to talk. Roman has already asked the question he's been searching for for so long.

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