2 The Day We Met

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The Day We Met


combing through my hair I looked at the reflection in my mirror. Since my hair looked, presentable, I decided to just leave my loose curls down, for now.

Walking out of my room, I was met staring directly at my maid, Mary. "Good morning" letting a small smile spread through my cheeks, I greeted her. Smiling back, Mary just did a quick nod and walked past me.

Sighing, I pushed my hair out of my face as a walked down the stairs. I was greeted by my 'oh so loving parents' (sarcasm intended).

"Chanel, do take a seat, sweetheart" my dad faking a smile patted a chair next to him.

"Mhm?" Obviously uninterested, i just pretended I was so intrigued by whatever upcoming news they had to throw at me, you see my parents are to say, overprotecting parents, but not in a good way. As a young child, I wanted to play with the girls and boys my age, but of course restrictions were always constructed. My parents only prohibited certain children to play with me. As a child, I of course was naive, so I just went along with the rules, but now, I am most definitely not alright with outrageous rules, my parents tend to put rules on everything they can to make a 'safer environment' so I can grow up in,according to them. So when I first introduced this conversation the meaning was to say that I was about 99.9 % positive that this was yet another rule to destroy my teenage years.

I let a small, insincere smile come upon my face, indicating my father to go on.

"We are leaving today for a couple of days, you must know the rules" they talked. I rolled my eyes. My parents leave every once and awhile, but of course they don't leave me alone, nor will they ever. They always leave me with my "personal assistant" but it's more like a bodyguard.

"So Chanel, you are to stay in this house, unless you are going to school, like always" they went on talking and talking, I already knew these unfair rules, I was not ever pleased by them for sure.

"Chanel, sweetheart, do you understand?" My mom asked after she gave me all the rules.

"Yes, yes of course mother" plastering another fake smile on my face, I got up.

"If I can be excused" I signaled to the door so I could leave. My parents said yes and I sighed deeply as I was met by chauffeur.

"Miss Chanel, are you alright?" Eric, which is my chauffeur asked as he opened the door for me to the limo. Yes, limo it's so traditional and cliche, but that's my parents for you. They always insist in me taking the limo to school, ludicrous really. I would be fine just walking, taking the bus, or driving there in one of the cars, I know how to drive, but of course I'm not allowed to drive without my parents in the car.

"Eric I'm fine" I said as I sat down on the back, with the black leather seats.


I arrived at school, right at the front of course and went in. The sounds of my heels were heard as I went up the cement steps. Yes, I do go to a public school, my parents didn't want me to be in this 'environment' but I insisted and insisted that it's just for the education and not to make a social status and that this high school was 'high achieving'.

I pulled opened the doors and there stood all the teens leaning against their lockers, their voices loud.
I walked over to my locker to get my books for first period, which was History. As I closed my locker. The bell rang.

I went to the 200 building which is where my History class is located. I walked alone, like always, I didn't have any friends, because well they all know about my parents and they don't want to get involved with me, when I'm in class they always turn their head. I was used to it, didn't like it, but I grew used to it.

As I got seated in the back, not wanting any attention to be drawn on me, I sank lowly in my desk, twirling my brown locks as I waited for the bell for the class to start.

The bell rang and everyone who was talking quickly took a seat.

I was absolutely bored out of my mind. Everything the teacher said were materials I already knew.

I tapped my pen against the desk as I put my hand on my cheek, completely unamused.

I heard the door open, looking up for once. My eyes met a young boy. A boy in jeans and a white t shirt, his hair messily thrown together, but he looked amazing. I haven't ever seen this kid. He was breathtaking. That's a first, I don't think that about these boys from this school, what's up with me now? He just seemed so different. In a good way.

"Oh you must be the new student, um um-"

"Justin Bieber" he cut her off. Shaking his head.

"Ah yes Justin, go take a seat anywhere you like " the teacher pointed around the room.

Justin walked in the opposite side of the room. I sank even deeper in my seat and continued staring at nothing.

I felt someone tap my shoulder, making me turn my back at my seat. I was met by hazel beautiful eyes.

"Can I sit here?" He questioned sorta smiling down at me.

"Yea-yeah of course" I signaled over to the seat connected to my desk.

"I'm justin" he whispered.

"So I've heard" I smiled at him. This was so weird he was actually talking to me, once he finds out who my parents are, he'll stop talking to me though, like everyone.

As the bell rang, I gathered my belongings and rushed out.

6th period came and left. It was finally time to leave.

"Aye aye, slow down shawty" Justin came from behind me and caught up to me.

"Why are you still talking to me ? " I was confused. I thought by now he would get the news who my parents were and how rude they could be.

"Because you seem like a sweet girl, and I would love to get to know you"he talked as we reached my locker.

"Didn't people tell you?" I whispered, astonished. People didn't want to get to me, they didn't want to get in a mess. I don't blame them though.

"I did, but some people are worth taking risks for" he smiled making my heart melt.


Okay so the prologue thing is in January of 2015, this is in 2012. Most of the story takes place before 2015, but 2014 and 2015 will come and it'll be I hope great.

Okay so I think I'm just gonna use ariana for Chanel or Chanel Celaya, not so sure. They're my only options, what do u think?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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