Chapter 46: Running Accounts & A Thousand Years Between The Mountain & The Sea

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A few events will be briefly mentioned here. In fact, many things had happened in Xiamen. There were still some interactions between Zhang Haiyan, Zhang Haiqi, and He Jianxi, but these incidents will be skipped.

After Zhang Haiyan and Zhang Haiqi rested for a while, they set off immediately.

For Zhang Haiyan, reuniting with Zhang Haiqi was like a dream that ignited a new hope in his heart.

The train to Changsha was traveling through the southeastern mountainous areas in rainy weather. Even though vast mountains were covered in mist and the inside of the carriages felt cold and humid, Zhang Haiyan felt a warmth in his heart.

He looked outside the window, watching the frequent rain bursts and lightning strikes as he thought of Zhang Haixia. He had always assumed that Haixia would've been here with them.

Both Zhang Haiyan and Zhang Haiqi's feelings were complicated, so neither spoke.

Zhang Haiyan carefully considered how he should interact with Zhang Haiqi. The easiest way to communicate normally was to talk about work. When he first saw her again, he was surprised and had too many questions, so the communication had initially been very smooth.

But once they had settled down, he realized that their relationship was a little distant. The mother and son hadn't seen each other for many years and it had been a long time since they lived together. His mother was the type of person who wasn't nostalgic and was unwilling to talk about family life. It wasn't easy for Zhang Haiyan to get along with her well.

If it were other people, Zhang Haiyan would normally go with the flow and not worry about it. But he couldn't do that when it came to Zhang Haiqi.

When they were little, every child who faced Zhang Haiqi wanted her love and attention. They would all use different approaches, but Zhang Haiyan was the one who was responsible for not letting the situation become awkward.

Zhang Haiqi had been reading over the materials again. The person they were going to visit this time was called Zhang Qishan.

Zhang Qishan was the head of the Mystic Nine, which referred to the nine tomb robbing families in Changsha (the Mystic Nine's specific background is very complicated, so there's no need to know much about them here). Zhang Qishan was also Changsha's defense officer. Not long after he took office, the Japanese activities in the southwest ramped up, so his transfer must've been related to confining the Japanese spies' activities.

They weren't looking for him because Zhang Haiqi knew him personally, but because Zhang Haiyan had recorded in the Flower Reef case report that the lieutenant had mentioned him. This was what had prompted Zhang Haiqi to investigate Zhang Qishan and learn something about him.

At that time, everyone already knew the name "Zhang Da Fo Ye". But for Zhang Haiqi, a person whose surname was Zhang and had the word "shan" [1] in their name was someone she would definitely pay attention to in other aspects.

But Changsha was full of Zhang Qishan's informants, and all the spies who went there to investigate were all tied up and sent out of the city the very next day. After this had happened twice, Zhang Haiqi received the Ningxiang's specialty Weishan Maojian tea that was sent from Changsha to the Dong residence. There was a note saying: I won't allow it to happen a third time.

As a result, she had stopped investigating him. Zhang Haiqi didn't know how Zhang Qishan had learned of her existence, but it was kind of futile to conduct more investigations on him since he was the incumbent defense officer and someone who the criminals in the Flower Reef case were wary of. Plus, she might ruin whatever he had planned by doing so. As a result, she also sent a gift back to him that consisted of candied olives from Xiamen.

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