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Sophia's POV:

I awoke the next morning feeling more refreshed after my chat with the group, now knowing that I had so many people who were happy to help me through this tough time, was enough to fill my heart a thousand times over with love. It was as if nothing could ever pain me enough that they couldn't help to fix. And I was so thankful for their friendships.

I had decided not long after Luna left that I would attempt to face the great hall for breakfast, having not left my room since the news was announced. Still being excused from classes, I had no need to wear my robes or uniform, so I slipped on a beige t-shirt with brown shorts and my Birkenstock's, throwing half of my hair up in a cream coloured scrunchie, allowing the rest to fall in messy waves down my back.

 Still being excused from classes, I had no need to wear my robes or uniform, so I slipped on a beige t-shirt with brown shorts and my Birkenstock's, throwing half of my hair up in a cream coloured scrunchie, allowing the rest to fall in messy wav...

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Her outfit

Having taken so long to pick out my outfit, I slipped my wand into my pocket and ran out of the room towards the great hall. As I entered the grand room, many heads turned to face me, gasping in surprise. Of course it wasn't really a revelation as to why I was off, but I'm sure Dumbledore only told people it was a 'family matter' to anyone who questioned my disappearance, leaving it to other students to explain the details if they knew. Still, it was incredibly uncomfortable being the centre of attention all of a sudden, and so I was delighted when the twins pulled me onto the gryffindor table next to them, as it was the closest seat to the doorway.

As I sat, both boys squeezed either side of my body in a comforting embrace, before thrusting a plate into my hands and piling different pastries and various breakfast meats onto the ceramic.

"Hey! I'm not an elephant! I can't eat that much boys!" I exclaimed, looking at them in astonishment.

"I can help with that!" a ginger boy almost screamed from over the table as he took a sausage from my plate and tossed it in his mouth. Must be the twins' brother; he had the same deep amber tresses as the pair, making it fairly obvious.

"RON!" a bushy-haired girl shouted as she smacked his arm. "You can't just steal from peoples plates without asking them first!" She turned to me, a sorrowful look in her eyes. "Sorry about him, he has no boundaries concerning personal space. I'm Hermione by the way!" Extending her hand to shake mine.

"Sophia, nice to meet you both! And don't worry Ron, you can have some, I'm not that hungry anyways." I offered with a small smile. He glanced up at me from where he had hung his head and his eyes widened.

"Really?!?! I woke up late so when I got here it was all gone, the twins had loads but wouldn't give me any, which I now understand was for you." He chuckled, giving the boys a guilty look.

"Yeah go ahead!" I chuckled as I pushed my plate towards him, watching as he dug in, oblivious to Hermione's stares of annoyance at his audacity.

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