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Sophia's POV:

I had learned to blend in. Throughout my entire life I had sank into the seats in the back of the classroom and only used my voice when called upon. Which suited me as I preferred my own company anyway, but it sometimes became tedious as I was aching to ask a question or share my opinion, only to be silenced by stronger voices and louder minds.

Which is why I was thrilled when I had received my acceptance letter in the post on my 11th birthday. I was a witch! I mean I know it's not really a surprise, my mother is a witch after all, but knowing that I was definitely of magical quality seemed to spark something inside of me. It was as if it was the best thing to happen in my entire life, and everything would seem to fall into place after that... but, like usual, I had set my expectations far too high.

At first it was really exciting and jovial. The train ride to Hogwarts was the most memorable memory of my life so far, the brightly packaged sweets and lively chocolate frogs are forever emblazoned in my mind, along with the smile that came when a distinct young girl with hair that shined brighter than the stars, padded into my compartment and took a seat opposite me.

Luna Lovegood.

The sweetest person you will ever meet! We bonded immediately over our love of magical creatures as I tenderly stroked Rosie, my perky, pink Pygmy puff that sat in my shoulder contently. I knew that I trusted Luna deeply when Rosie sprang from shoulder and immediately nestled in Luna's palm. A sure sign she was a good omen.

But then after the sorting, where I was placed in Ravenclaw ( which wasn't surprising as I love reading ) everything seemed to relax and become just like before. The same thing every single day. Sit at the back of the classroom and keep my head down. Few people talked to me, usually to ask for the answers to the potions homework or to ask where someone was, but Luna was always there. We lounge carelessly under a tree on the edge of the black lake most days, her reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin, which I brought her from home after the Christmas holidays in our first year, and me sketching the lake before me, adding minuscule details to the river banks and ensuring to get the sulking shadow of the giant squid who lurked deep below.

Since I was little, sketching and art in general had been a sort of release for me. It allowed me to refocus myself and calmed my overeager thoughts. I've kept every drawing I've ever done since I was old enough to own my own sketchbook, they all sit gathering dust in the bottom of my trunk. I take them out sometimes to admire how far they have progressed but I don't do much else.

They remind me too much of life at home. I miss my parents so much, after all they raised me.

My mother had told me early on that I possessed a gift. The gift of tasseomancy. Known to muggles as a useless practice in which someone reads tea leaves and predicts your fortune. It was considered a joke to many people, but my parents ensure me that it wasn't to them, and so after every cup of tea my family finished, I read their fortunes. Some good, some bad. But they were never worse than forgetting your keys the next day or tripping over your own feet and hitting your head that evening. I had always felt bad that I  could visualise a persons fate and so I rarely practiced nowadays, only when Luna would ask would I do it. In all honesty I didn't like the extra attention. Or attention in general in fact. I much preferred to sit in silence and mind my own business.

It was easier that way. No one bothered me, i could sketch all day if I wanted to, not even the teachers cared if I did in their lessons, as somehow, I had perfect grades, which in turn gained me a lot of house points. Not that people noticed of course.

Until one day they did...

Thank you for reading my lovelies! If you have any comments or anything I can do to improve, leave a message :)


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