Chapter one ~Meeting Dombeldore

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*At the magic of Ministry*

Its alright Bella hold on just a moment! -Worker

*you spit at the worker

*they point wands at you and make a spell making you calm down*

Now....Dombeldore, Bella Black is only free to stay at Hogwarts castle and land. If she is out or lost. She will be found and killed -Fudge

Alright. Thank you, now please let me and Bella go... -Dombeldore

*they let you go. Your walking with chains on your hands and the proffesers around you and Dombeldore leading the way*

Why? -bella

Why what? -Proffesser McGonagall

Why did you take me out? Why couldnt you let me die? -bella

Well why would we want you to die? You did nothing wrong? -dombeldore

People at hogwarts will hate me because of my father.... -bella

Well hurry up now we dont want to get there late - Proffesser McGonagall

Yea whatever - bella

*you arrive at hogwarts*
*your walking to your dorm with Proffesser McGonagall*

Thank you -bella

Sorry? - Proffesser McGonagall

Thank you for umm helping me i guess... -bella

Dear, we will help anyone who needs saving from misery - Proffesser McGonagall

*you change into a black shirt and a black short skirt and you walk to the cafeteria to have some dinner*
(Its sunday)

Umm excuse me Proffesser McGonagall, what house am I in? -bella

Gryffindor dear - Proffesser McGonagall

Thank you -bella

*you walk up to a group of crowded kids reading a poce of paper*

Look, it says the Ministrey of Magic let Bella Black attend to...HOGWARTS! BELLA BLACK IS AT HOGWARTS?! -stranger 1

That cant be good.....she was in Azkaban, how and why? Let a maniac escape. She deserves to be in there -stranger 2

Umm really? Wow...i thuaght this place was better than azkaban but i guess i was wrong? -bella

Your...your b..b...bella -stranger 1
Bella black? Yes, yes I am... -bella

Oh umm sorry -stranger 2

We thuaght you would be mean and rude and scary but...your not -stranger 1

Yea yea whatever! -bella

Im hermione granger -hermione

Harry, harry potter -harry

Ron weasly, this food is awesome -ron

Fred wealsy -fred

George weasly -george

Neville longbottem.... -neville
*everyone introduced themselves and your eating lunch and talking about stuff and azkaban*

I know, dombeldore knows too, they know sirius is not guilty. He never killed anyone or anythung....he was framed -harry

Wow, somemeone who is a year younger than me, thise words are powerful... -bella

Umm yea anyways, ao your in 4th year, right?

Yes, i guess, i not sure -bella

Oh alright, im in 3rd year! -Harry

Hey, you know what goes with bella? Dog...and you know what goes with dog? Bitch... -draco

Shut the fuck up blonde boy -bella

Ohhhhh sorry.....but can you not shed your fur? Im allergic -draco

Shut it right now or else -bella

Or else what? -draco
*you gorwl at draco making the slytherins look frightened*

Bella black, i suggest you be careful on your 1st day -Proffesser McGonagall
*you transform back*

Yea whatever, as long this blonde boy keeps is mouth shut -bella
Make me -drzco

Sorry your mother already made a mistake... -bella

Bella! Bad dog -hermiome
*u do a doggy whine*

Sit down? -hermjone
*you sit*

Hermione?! -bella

Shush -harry
*you head up with hermione to the girls dorm*

*After Dinner, you head to your dorm*

Umm excuse me. Im ginny weasly!

Cool, bella black

Oh i know! Harrys god sister...?

What? Uh yea whatever you wanna call me

*you and ginny hear a knock at the door*

Whos it?
-kaite bell

Oliver wood
(Ps. Oliver is in 5th year)

Quiddich girls, practice after classes quiddich field

Whats quiddich?

OMG Bells have you been loving under a rock this whole time?


Yea I guess, thats what you can call it.

If you want you can come watch tomorrow? Mybe even try out. We need someone to take chaser

Yea cool, ill be there

*you go to bed and fall a sleep*

*Time skip (bruaght to you by mr.No nose)

*It was after classes*

Hermione, what should I wear? I have a black skirt with a tuck in hoddie OR I have black leggings with a long sleeve shirt with a white sweater? -bella

I think the skirt! -hermione

Alright, cya later than...although I dont know where the quiddich place is? -bella

I know your trying to get me out but im studying?

Okay fine! Cya later

*you go to the quiddich field*

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